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.]44 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREMr. Chang Yii-Ching (& f$ HE) is <iDepartmentalSecretary, and the Editor of the Industrial Gazette (^ ^ $$gft$ft) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce inhis native province of Kiangsi. Since he became a believerin Christ, he has been a very active Christian worker. Hegives liberally to the support of the churches in Peking,and offers a large copy of the Wenli New Testament toevery reader of his magazine upon application. In thisway many copies of the Word of God have found access topeople who otherwise might not bo able to learn the GreatestNews of the World.Other well-known public men, who since their conversion have used the Holy Writ as a suitable and valuablepresent to their superior or fellow officials, are the Hon.Wen Shih-chen (jg. ft ^r), General Wu Chin-piao (^ & H)and others.Bible St d Training conferences, classes and similarorganizations which have been started inmany places for the purpose of Bible study are welcomesigns oh the Church s activity. Amongst these, probablythe Adult Bible Study Conferences under the joint arrangement of the China Sunday School Union and the SpecialCommittee on Sunday School and Bible Study of theChina Continuation Committee may be taken as models.Under the able leadership of the Kev. E. G. Tewksbury,these conferences, which have been held in several parts ofChina, have attracted a good deal of attention. A bornteacher, Mr. Tewksbury always captivates the selectedcompanies of approximately fifty church leaders, who sit athis feet as little school boys, willing to learn and to take inall his words of instruction and methods of procedure.Other Bible study classes such as those of Rev. D.Willard Lyon for the Young Men s Christian Associationsecretaries, Mrs. W. H. Stuart s classes for women workers,and those of Dr. Yang Wei-han (tl? W. f&) and Miss Dora^ru (^ ^ If) have all been of special help and value ineducating the Church to understand the Word of God morethoroughly, and study it more systematically. The threeshort courses given by Mr. H. L. Zia on the study of the

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