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338 CHRISTIAN LITERATUREbirthday, celebrated last October, many letters and telegramsof congratulations were received by the church.Space does not allow the mention of other activities ofthe so-called independent churches. The few instancesgiven above are sufficient to show the direction along whichthe Church is moving, and we firmly believe the Lord isblessing the feeble efforts of His children who are learningto walk by actually walking.II.Evangelistic EffortsPa tfio ^ $t (Evangelism) is one of the most timelyand most widely current words in the Chinese Churchtoday. The Church s growth in evangelistic spirit is a suresign of its growth in grace. It is difficult to state justwhat is the cause of this present evangelistic spirit. Thework of Dr. Mott, Air. Eddy, the Special Committee on aForward Evangelistic Movement, appointed by the China( Jontinuation Committee, and other organizations andindividual workers* all have helped in the rousing of theChurch s consciousness in this all-important matter. Aboveeverything else it is the voice of God that has quickened thehearts of men.The work of Dr. Mott, Mr. Eddy and the SpecialCommittee on a Forward Evangelistic Movement are toowell known to the readers of this article to require furthercomment. Brief mention will be made only of the smallerefforts made by the ordinary Christians, which have repeatedly resulted in the salvation of many and in the faithof many in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. A glance atthe Christian press will convince one of the large placegiven to this evangelistic side of the Church s life.Certainly the Church has grasped the real, the fundamental,the permanent objects for which it exists on earth.Various kinds of evangelistic efforts have^een carr * d on }U different places, eitherindividually, unitedly or denominationally.In the province of Hunan an evangelisticband was organized for the purpose of reaching theindividual. Chu-chia-pu-tao-tuan (g; ^ ft it H) is its officialtitle. The thirty workers of this band visited nearly eleven

THE CHURCH IN CHINESE CHRISTIAN PERIODICALS 339thousand homes in fourteen hsien districts, and distributed350,000 books and tracts. They were sometimes wellreceived by the people, but often they were persecuted bythe rougher, unfriendly element in the district or city anddriven away. Yet they are able to say,"The Bible seemsmore precious, and the work more real to us.Tn Canton and Hongkong the work amongEvangelism ^IQ }-)oa^ population has been very encourag-BoTtP 2 opulation iu g- Some gspel boats are doing regularworkamong this class of people. Besidesdirect evangelistic efforts, medical and educational work hasbeen taken up, and has proved an excellent evangelisticagency.Work inSzechwanIn the province of S/echwan, the Christiansconnected with the Methodist Episcopal-. . . ,,^ ,. f. rnMission have organized an Evangelistic lourwithin the two circuits of Chungking (:^ ffc) and Yungchang(*k a) fr a fortnight. The work was divided intolive sections, i.e., devotional, Bible study, morning watch,lecture and preaching.In the province of Honan, the work of Drs.MaeGilHvray and Peter has resulted in greatgood and left deli gh.tful memories. Dr.in Honan MacGillivray s evangelistic messages and Dr.Peter s health lectures were highly appreciated by the people and the officials were present withthem at these meetings. This has opened- the way forfurther work in Bible study and has made the work ofpreparing for similar gatherings in the near future easy.In Tientsin a week s special mission was5ff, conducted under the leadership of the TieniVllSSlOn, . ./^ l, .TT rrnin Tientsin *sin Christian Union. This mission represented an effort to enlist every Christian man7and woman in some definite Christian service. Each da}the Young Men s Christian Association Hall was filled withfive to six hundred men and women from the variouschurches and as a result of these meetings, four hundredhave signed cards promising to take up some form offor Christ, a hundred non-Christians promised during the

THE CHURCH IN CHINESE CHRISTIAN PERIODICALS 339thousand homes in fourteen hsien districts, and distributed350,000 books and tracts. They were sometimes wellreceived by the people, but often they were persecuted bythe rougher, unfriendly element in the district or city anddriven away. Yet they are able to say,"The Bible seemsmore precious, and the work more real to us.Tn Canton and Hongkong the work amongEvangelism ^IQ }-)oa^ population has been very encourag-BoTtP 2 opulation iu g- Some gspel boats are doing regularworkamong this class of people. Besidesdirect evangelistic efforts, medical and educational work hasbeen taken up, and has proved an excellent evangelisticagency.Work inSzechwanIn the province of S/echwan, the Christiansconnected with the Methodist Episcopal-. . . ,,^ ,. f. rnMission have organized an Evangelistic lourwithin the two circuits of Chungking (:^ ffc) and Yungchang(*k a) fr a fortnight. The work was divided intolive sections, i.e., devotional, Bible study, morning watch,lecture and preaching.In the province of Honan, the work of Drs.MaeGilHvray and Peter has resulted in greatgood and left deli gh.tful memories. Dr.in Honan MacGillivray s evangelistic messages and Dr.Peter s health lectures were highly appreciated by the people and the officials were present withthem at these meetings. This has opened- the way forfurther work in Bible study and has made the work ofpreparing for similar gatherings in the near future easy.In Tientsin a week s special mission was5ff, conducted under the leadership of the TieniVllSSlOn, . ./^ l, .TT rrnin Tientsin *sin Christian Union. This mission represented an effort to enlist every Christian man7and woman in some definite Christian service. Each da}the Young Men s Christian Association Hall was filled withfive to six hundred men and women from the variouschurches and as a result of these meetings, four hundredhave signed cards promising to take up some form offor Christ, a hundred non-Christians promised during the

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