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MEDICAL; AND PHILANTHROPIC WORKThe lectures and exhibit have been presented in thefollowing large centres; Shanghai, Changsha (and Siangtan),Nanking, Hangchow, Weihwei and Kaifeng, Pekingand Tientsin. In all of these cities the most cordialreception has been given to the lecturer, and thousands ofintelligent and interested Chinese have had brought hometo them in an incisive way the great need of China for theprevention of disease, for scientific medical education, andfor the conservation of her greatest asset the lives of herpeople.^IGHealth LecturesexP enses connected with this phase ofthe work have been borne in every case bythe cities in which the campaigns were conducted; in mostof the places all of the officials have co-operated in the mostcordial way, schools have been dismissed to permit theattendance of the pupils, the police and soldiery have beenordered to attend, and in several places a definite programmehas been adopted looking toward the continuance of healtheducation for the masses, arid special disease-preventionmeasures.In Changslui, for example, one result oftlie lecture campaign has been the establishament of a tuberculosis sanitarium, built atcost of $20,000 and conducted under the joint direction ofthe Hunan gentry and the Hunan-Yale Medical School.The stimulation of interest and inquiry among the culturedand intelligent classes is paving the way to a demand formunicipal sanitation, hospitals, and hygienic standards ofliving, and the Council has felt that this campaign featurehas fully justified by its results all the labour and expenseconnected with it. More than 100, 000 people have attendedthe demonstrated lectures.The lantern slide work is well under way,Excfaan ebut because of inadequate staff and equipment it has been necessary to limit theCirculation of lantern slides. The preparation of educational slides with a local Chinese setting is slow and difficultwork, but progress is being made steadily. The Councilhas sets of slides together with outlines of lectures both inEnglish and Chinese, on various important subjects, such

COUNCIL ON PUBLIC HEALTH 333as Tuberculosis, Plague, Sanitation of a Chinese City, "FliesKill People, and the like. As rapidly as possible slidesmade from photographs taken in China are being preparedto replace those imported from foreign countries, since thelatter fail to bring home so closely the lessons to be taught.During the past year nearly half a millionCalendarsanti-tuberculosis story calendars were printedand sold. These calendars were bought inquantity by many officials in various parts of the country,and distributed gratis. Large orders were given also, inmany cases, by hospitals, and the calendars given away orsold in their dispensaries.Another form of publicity work has beenthe reSular preparation and distributionamong native newspapers of popular articleson various disease prevention subjects. These have beensent out fortnightly to newspapers published all over thecountry, and have been accepted as copy by the papers.In February, 1916, an important newtheChines" Medicalbo(^National Medical Association ofAssociation China, appeared on the scene. At the firstconference of this organization, steps weretaken to enlarge the scope of the Council so as to enlist thesympathetic co-operation of this newly formed Association. An invitation to concentrate the interest of all threeassociations in public health education was cordiallyaccepted, and a new joint council was organized, uponwhich permanent committees of the several organizationsare represented. The original programme determinedupon in February 1915, will be continued under the largerco-operation for the present year, and it ishoped thatprovision will be made at the joint conference of theNational Medical Association and the China Medical Missionary Association to be held next February in Canton,for enlarging the activities of the Council, and placing itswork upon a sounder financial basis.

MEDICAL; AND PHILANTHROPIC WORKThe lectures and exhibit have been presented in thefollowing large centres; Shanghai, Changsha (and Siangtan),Nanking, Hangchow, Weihwei and Kaifeng, Pekingand Tientsin. In all of these cities the most cordialreception has been given to the lecturer, and thousands ofintelligent and interested Chinese have had brought hometo them in an incisive way the great need of China for theprevention of disease, for scientific medical education, andfor the conservation of her greatest asset the lives of herpeople.^IGHealth LecturesexP enses connected with this phase ofthe work have been borne in every case bythe cities in which the campaigns were conducted; in mostof the places all of the officials have co-operated in the mostcordial way, schools have been dismissed to permit theattendance of the pupils, the police and soldiery have beenordered to attend, and in several places a definite programmehas been adopted looking toward the continuance of healtheducation for the masses, arid special disease-preventionmeasures.In Changslui, for example, one result oftlie lecture campaign has been the establishament of a tuberculosis sanitarium, built atcost of $20,000 and conducted under the joint direction ofthe Hunan gentry and the Hunan-Yale Medical School.The stimulation of interest and inquiry among the culturedand intelligent classes is paving the way to a demand formunicipal sanitation, hospitals, and hygienic standards ofliving, and the Council has felt that this campaign featurehas fully justified by its results all the labour and expenseconnected with it. More than 100, 000 people have attendedthe demonstrated lectures.The lantern slide work is well under way,Excfaan ebut because of inadequate staff and equipment it has been necessary to limit theCirculation of lantern slides. The preparation of educational slides with a local Chinese setting is slow and difficultwork, but progress is being made steadily. The Councilhas sets of slides together with outlines of lectures both inEnglish and Chinese, on various important subjects, such

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