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CHAPTERXXXICOUNCIL ON PUBLIC HEALTH OF THECHINA MEDICAL MISSIONARY ASSOCIATIONH. S. Houghton^Ori in of the l^ ilu ^OI au or o au * ze(l work iu *publicMovement health education throughout China had itsorigin at the conference of the China MedicalMissionary Association held in Shanghai, February, 1915.At that meeting the activities already begun tentatively bythe Young Men s Christian Association were brought to theattention of the gathering, and the greatest interest wasaroused, crystallizing before adjournment into the formulation of the following recommendations by a special committee :Evidence has conic from all parts of China, thatReport of there is an awakening public conscience on theTemporary subject of public health. Where medical missionaryCommittee work has been established the people have begun toappeal for our aid and co-operation in this matter.This task is so threat that we see no way of meeting it except bythe organization and unification of available forces. We commendto this conference for sympathy and endorsement the plans of theYoung Men s Christian Association for promoting of public healtheducation among young men in cities where their branch Associationshave been organized.We recommend :1. That this conference create a permanentRecommendations Council on Public Health, whose functions shallbe: (a) To correlate and extend activities now inoperation; (b) To initiate new lines of work; (c) To outline practicalmethods for the guidance of those starting such work in local centres.2. That this Council on Public Health be given representationon the Executive Committee of the China Medical Missionary Association in order that (a) the Executive Committee may the bettercorrelate the activities of the Association and (b) the needs of thisCouncil may be adequately presented to the members of the ChinaMedical Missionary Association.

COUNCIL ON PUBLIC HEALTHool3. That the Executive Secretary of the China Medical MissionaryAssociation be an ex uftirio member of this Council in order that liemay act, as far as possible, as a medium between this Council andthe members of the China Medical Missionary Association.4. Thoughtful minds in both the China Medical MissionaryAssociation and the Young Men s Christian Association have long1been considering the wisdom of a national health propaganda inChina.We recommend, therefore, that steps be taken to work out ascheme whereby the two organizations may co-operate in such apropaganda, but to leave the details of co-operation to be arrangedbetween this Council on Public Health and the Secretary of theChina Medical Missionary Association and the National Committeeof the Young Men s Christian Association.5. We recommend the following programme:(a) Lantern Slide Exchange; literature approved by the Publication Committee of the Young Men s Christian Association; exhibits; lectures with demonstrations; the press and publicity.(b) That association be sought with existing governmentaland other bodies for the promotion of instruction and the practice ofhygiene, and for the fostering of movements already initiated or beinginitiated by local forces, by the placing of the services of the ChinaMedical Missionary Association and the Council at their disposal.b . To ii nance this programme, we recommend(a) that the Executive Committee set aside a portion of thefunds now in hand ; (b) that a portion of the funds now in handfor publication purposes shall be used for the preparation of healthliterature ; (c) that the Executive Committee take steps to secureadditional funds for this important work.^Permanentpermanent council was at once formed,Council Formed an(^ adopted these suggestions as a workingbasis for the bienniu^i 1915-1917. TheExecutive Committee of the China Medical Missionary Association appropriated Mex. $1500 for the support of the programme projected, and the Young Men s Christian Association contributed a somewhat larger amount, in addition tothe full-time services of Dr. W. W. Peter, the Secretary ofthe Council, to whose enthusiasm and initiative most of thesuccess of the movement is due.In detail, four lines of work were selectedUndertaken ^y the Council as their programme (1) DemoustratedHealth Lectures ; (2) Public:Health Exhibit; (3) National Health Lecture Lantern SlideExchange; (4) Health Education Literature.

COUNCIL ON PUBLIC HEALTHool3. That the Executive Secretary of the China Medical MissionaryAssociation be an ex uftirio member of this Council in order that liemay act, as far as possible, as a medium between this Council andthe members of the China Medical Missionary Association.4. Thoughtful minds in both the China Medical MissionaryAssociation and the Young Men s Christian Association have long1been considering the wisdom of a national health propaganda inChina.We recommend, therefore, that steps be taken to work out ascheme whereby the two organizations may co-operate in such apropaganda, but to leave the details of co-operation to be arrangedbetween this Council on Public Health and the Secretary of theChina Medical Missionary Association and the National Committeeof the Young Men s Christian Association.5. We recommend the following programme:(a) Lantern Slide Exchange; literature approved by the Publication Committee of the Young Men s Christian Association; exhibits; lectures with demonstrations; the press and publicity.(b) That association be sought with existing governmentaland other bodies for the promotion of instruction and the practice ofhygiene, and for the fostering of movements already initiated or beinginitiated by local forces, by the placing of the services of the ChinaMedical Missionary Association and the Council at their disposal.b . To ii nance this programme, we recommend(a) that the Executive Committee set aside a portion of thefunds now in hand ; (b) that a portion of the funds now in handfor publication purposes shall be used for the preparation of healthliterature ; (c) that the Executive Committee take steps to secureadditional funds for this important work.^Permanentpermanent council was at once formed,Council Formed an(^ adopted these suggestions as a workingbasis for the bienniu^i 1915-1917. TheExecutive Committee of the China Medical Missionary Association appropriated Mex. $1500 for the support of the programme projected, and the Young Men s Christian Association contributed a somewhat larger amount, in addition tothe full-time services of Dr. W. W. Peter, the Secretary ofthe Council, to whose enthusiasm and initiative most of thesuccess of the movement is due.In detail, four lines of work were selectedUndertaken ^y the Council as their programme (1) DemoustratedHealth Lectures ; (2) Public:Health Exhibit; (3) National Health Lecture Lantern SlideExchange; (4) Health Education Literature.

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