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CHAPTERXXIXDEVELOPMENT AT THE HUNAN-YALE COLLEGEOF MEDICINE, CHANGSHAEdward H. HumeTlie uin(Or anizationl lie agreement* signed in July1914, which brought into being the co-operative medical school to be conducted at Changsha jointly byChinese and Americans, has been lived up to with remarkable persistency up to the present time. A pre-medical classof nine students was admitted for two years of college studyemphasizing laboratory work in physics, chemistry andbiology, and the group has already covered so much of thenecessary ground as to make it certain that a well-trainedclass will be ready for the actual study of medicine in theautumn of 1916.The college is under the control of aAdministration jointr, f ~, .board 01 managers, ten Chinese and tenAmericans, holding meetings semi-annually. Interim business is managed by an executive committee of seven, meetingmonthly. The most satisfactory feature of the work so far,aside from the interest and progress of the students, hasbeen the harmony in committee, and the freedom given to themedical faculty in the carrying out of its own programme.^e students haveReli fous Work organized a collegeChristian Association which is active in thosebranches which Young Men s Christian Association workhas always emphasised. Mr. F. L. Chang, instructor inphysics, is faculty adviser to the students Association andplans with the students A for Bible class work, social gatherings, debates, etc. large number of the students attendthe Bible classes, although it will be remembered that noreligious exercises can be made compulsory in this institution in accordance with the terms of the original agreement.*A copy of the agreement will be found in the Appendix

DEVELOPMENT AT HUNAN-YALE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 325New additions to the staffsta{{ this year havebeen Dr. J. II. B. Branch, Surgery andGynecology Dr. D. T.; Davidson, Medicine; Mr. J. D.Robb, Biology; Mr. A. D. Fisken, Chemistry; and Mr. F.L. Chang, Physics.A feature of the winter term has been the visit fromthe commissioners of the China Medical Board, who reachedChangsha on October 17, 1915. They were royally welcomed by citizens and officials of this city and on October18th took part in the ceremony of laying the corner stone ofthe new Hunan-Yale Hospital. Addresses were made bythe visiting members of the commission and the stone waslaid by Professor William H. Welch of Johns Hopkins.Th Hos ^^e italhospital is the gift of an AmericanYale graduate who has always been deeplyinterested in medical education, and who has provided fundsfor making what ought to prove one of China s model hospitals. Funds for the upkeep of the medical college andhospital, including the schools for men and women nurses,are provided out of the budget of the local government, andhave been paid semi-annually thus far with unfailing regularity. A number of Chinese women have shown their deepinterest in the activities of the hospital and practically serveas a women s auxiliary. Nothing has been more encouraging than this share taken by Chinese women. Among thenurses in the hospital, voluntary Bible classes are arranged,and there are frequent social occasions planned for them aswell as for the patients.

CHAPTERXXIXDEVELOPMENT AT THE HUNAN-YALE COLLEGEOF MEDICINE, CHANGSHAEdward H. HumeTlie uin(Or anizationl lie agreement* signed in July1914, which brought into being the co-operative medical school to be conducted at Changsha jointly byChinese and Americans, has been lived up to with remarkable persistency up to the present time. A pre-medical classof nine students was admitted for two years of college studyemphasizing laboratory work in physics, chemistry andbiology, and the group has already covered so much of thenecessary ground as to make it certain that a well-trainedclass will be ready for the actual study of medicine in theautumn of 1916.The college is under the control of aAdministration jointr, f ~, .board 01 managers, ten Chinese and tenAmericans, holding meetings semi-annually. Interim business is managed by an executive committee of seven, meetingmonthly. The most satisfactory feature of the work so far,aside from the interest and progress of the students, hasbeen the harmony in committee, and the freedom given to themedical faculty in the carrying out of its own programme.^e students haveReli fous Work organized a collegeChristian Association which is active in thosebranches which Young Men s Christian Association workhas always emphasised. Mr. F. L. Chang, instructor inphysics, is faculty adviser to the students Association andplans with the students A for Bible class work, social gatherings, debates, etc. large number of the students attendthe Bible classes, although it will be remembered that noreligious exercises can be made compulsory in this institution in accordance with the terms of the original agreement.*A copy of the agreement will be found in the Appendix

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