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THE CHINA MEDICAL BOARD 323China and those for the pre-medical department have beenteaching during the current academic year.An appropriation of $15,000 was made to the HarvardMedical School of China to be used towards its currentexpenses for the academic year 1915-16.Grants have been made to several mission-Grantstoa societies for additional doctors andMissionf, ,. ., ,, .. ,nurses for certain oi theirHospitalshospitals inChina. Three doctors sent out under suchappropriations are now studying the language at Peking,preparatory to going to stations in the interior. In generalthe plan is to aid first those hospitals that will be easilyaccessible from the medical schools in which the Board isinterested, so that they may be prepared to offer interneshipsto future graduates. It is hoped that an intimatethough informal relation may be maintained between themedical schools and the doctors in outlying hospitals.^*X feU wsmFellowshf sP s r Chinese graduates inmedicine were established in 1914, and themen who were finally appointed to them are now studyingat various institutions in the United States. Last springfive scholarships for nurses and three for pharmacists werealso established. Three young women have already beenappointed to the nursing scholarships and two of them havebegun their studies in American training schools. Threepharmacists have also been selected, and they will go to theUnited States this summer. In addition a number ofgrants have been made to medical missionaries on furlough,to enable them to do special work in schools and hospitals athome in preparation for their return to the field.It has been the desire of the China MedicalCo-operation Board from the beginning to co-operate inMissionar every possible way with the missionarySocieties societies, and with others engaged in medicalwork in this country. Since it is so new tothe field its plans must necessarily develop somewhat slowly,but it is hoped that it will eventually prove itself a usefulagency for supplementing and strengthening the importantwork that other agencies are already doing for China.

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