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theTPIE NATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OP CHINA 319very intructive papers on various important topics wererend, nnd discussions followed afterwards. At the closeof tiie conference, the following resolutions were passed andwere forwarded to the Central Government:1. That ill view <>fincreasing number of practitioners ofwestern medicine and of drug shops selling western medicine throughout the country, and of the need of protecting the public againstunscrupulous persons, this Conference petition the Central (Government to take proper steps for the registration of practitioners ofwestern medicine and of drug shops selling foreign medicine.2. That in view of the increasing number of medical collegesand graduates, from those institutions in China, and of the importanceof placing all medical practitioners under direct government supervision, this Conference request the Government to establish a Central.Medical Board in .Peking, consisting of representatives from theGovernment and principal medical institutions, with powers to MXthe curricula of ^Medical Schools to grant licenses and toexaminations throughout the country.supervise. {. That owing to the unchecked spread of tuberculosis andvenereal diseases among all classes of the population, this Conferencedraw the attention of the Central and Provincial Governments to theneed of taking proper steps to combat these evils.4. That in view of the importance of public health to thenation, this Conference respectfully urge the Government to establisha Public Health Service without delay throughout the country.o. That in view of the absolute need of modern medicine toChina and of the sympathetic support of so many foreign lands in theintroduction of medical science among our people, this Associationpetition the AVai Chiao Pu and the lioard of Education for an annualgrant of at least ten scholarships to students of medicine from theIndemnity Kund.Passed ..Thus we see that with the small beginning,and with the support r and assistance of ourJsister.,organizations, we shall hope to he ableto carry out our objects as time goes along.

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