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<>f iin""314 A1.EJ.UCAL AM) PHILANTHROPIC WORKIn regard to the missionary attitude, it may be saidthat we ought to take the statement of the RockefellerFoundation that the work of the China Medical Board isdesigned to be a distinct contribution to missionary endeavour as an accurate statement of their purpose, and giveit our fullest confidence. It will naturally follow that therewill be a great variety of opinion as what is a real contribution to missionary endeavour but we should give creditto the honesty of purpose of the China Medical Board. Thequestion of co-operation with the missionary body will bevariously understood and some fears have been expressedthat it will not be satisfactory to the missionaries. It isprobable that the character of the co-operation will not bewhat .some would have it.Any efficient and successful enterpriseC Cnmst ^ )<l U der a management, simple in itsorganization and unhampered by any outsidepower that can interfere with its functions. The conductinstitution for highly specialized education ought notto bo subject to the control of those but partially acquaintedwith its its needs or to a divided management. It ought tobe recognized that in the conduct of the schools in fixingthe courses of the study, determining the faculties, and allmatters relating to efficiency, the management of the schoolsshould be in the hands of an independent body that willnot be obliged to consult a number of co-operating societies.This does not necessitate or imply any alienation from thespirit or main purpose of missionary medical education.It does aim at the highest degree of excellence in educationallines and efficient conduct of that work.There remains ample scope for co-operation withmissionary societies in their particular lines. The medicalschools will look to the missions for young men as studentswho have had a through preparatory education and who arewell-grounded in Christian character. They intend thatthe students shall be under Christian influence during theirstay in the schools, and that they shall have as good anopportunity to secure a medical education as can be foundanywhere in the world, and that the student shall go backto the mission hospital for a period of at least one year

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