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306 GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONstringency caused by the European war. Tins increasewould seeni definitely to indicate an increased attention toSunday school work in the Chinese churches.Tables are given below showing the growth in circulation of both the Uniform and the Graded Lesson Notes. Afurther table is offered, giving the circulation in December,1915, of each variety of Uniform Lesson Notes published bythe China Sunday School Union. If to the total issues ofthe Union publications there be added the circulation ofother Lesson Note publications, we find a total circulation,per Sabbath, of 107,300 for the Interiiaiioual I nion LessonNotes.Many Sunday schools, however, use merely a quarterlysheet giving the Scripture references and the Golden Text.Many thousands of these sheets are issued by the Anglicanmissions, and also by certain missions in Fukien, etc.; 20,000per Sabbath might be a fair estimate for the circulation ofsuch sheets. Some form of International Uniform LessonNotes is thus found to be used by at least 127,300 personseach Sabbath.Again, add to this the International Graded LessonNote circulation of 12.000, and a total of 140,330 scholarsand teachers is indicated who regularly use some definiteform of teaching help each Sabbath.The l!M5 YKAR BOOK totals, under SundayX ,, school scholars, as reported by the severalenrollment ., mi i . ^imissions, can hardly be complete, m thelight of the fact that approximately 150,000 copies ofLesson Notes are being purchased, and presumably beingcirculated and used each Sabbath by at least that numberof Sunday school scholars and teachers. Estimating 25%for Sunday schools not using Lesson Helps, we may thusregard our present Sunday school membership as at (east200,000.

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