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304 GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONThe American Section of the World sSunday SchoolAssociation has, moreover, so reorganized its governingbody as to bring it into closer relationship with the churches and mission boards of the several denominations.This reorganization at home, together with the electiverepresentation contemplated in China, should make comparatively easy an adequate financing of the China SundaySchool Union.The Organized Adult Bible Class MovementAt the suggestion of the Bible Study Committee andother organizations specially concerned with the nationalstudy and evangelistic interests, the China SundaySchool Union has been led during the past year to stress itsOrganized Adult Bible Class Department.~*, , ThisNwork is urgent on account of theimmediate need for preparing workers in theindividual churches to lead and organize Bible classes forinquirers. A Forward Evangelistic Movement largelydepends upon such workers for its preparation, carryingforward, and follow-up.The Organized Adult Bible Class campaign was madefinancially possible in 1915 by the gift of Gold $1,000 fromMr. K A. Doan, Laymen s Secretary of the Foreign Christian Mission. It is hoped that funds may be secured fromthe Adult Bible Classes of America through the influence ofMr. Doan and the help of the international Sunday Schooland the World s Sunday School Associations, to continuethis campaign over a period of several years, and to permanently employ an Adult Bible Class Secretary in connection with the work of the China Sunday School Union. Aprovisional budget of Gold $3,000 for each of five years hasbeen suggested.Five conferences have already been held in^ Connection with theHeld Organized Adult BibleClass Movement, atKuling, July 13th to August 13, 1915.Moukden, October 13 to November 11, 1915.

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