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, . . ,*300 GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONtheir work. Our middle schools have furnished the lowerprimary schools in North Fukicn with three teachers out of401.The average number of pupils to each teacher for thenorthern part of the province is 2 1-f, the average numberto each school is 24-f. This may seem to be good as Jinaverage, but it should be remembered that in the majorityof tiie schools there is only one teacher Avho teaches three orI our grades. We cannot have efficient teaching under suchconditions.^ ne suSalaries^J ect f salaries isalways a bafflingone and somewhat worn and very difficult.One mission in Foochow 7gives a maximum salary of $14 permonth and a minimum salary of $3 per month. Anothermission in Foochow gives a maximum of $10 and aminimum of $1. According to the statistics furnished for282 teachers the average salary for the year is $94.08, or$7.84 per month. These teachers belong to the A.B.C.F.M.and M.E.F.B.The division of theQapupils into classes givesus a view into the condition of our schools.In 260 schools which report 47.6 % of the pupils are in theFirst Year, 25.2% in the Second Year, 15.6% in the ThirdYear and 11.6% in the Fourth Year. In the First andSecond Years we have 72.8% of the pupils. This means thatthe majority of the boys remain with us two years. In oneschool numbering forty there are this year only six boyswho were in it last year. Other schools might be citedwhere similar conditions obtain.How many boys go up higher from theNumberlower primary schools ? One hundred andJanter .ing Higher, .,, .,Schools thirty-two schools with -5261 pupils reportedon this point. Out of this number 112entered the higher primary, or 34%.A.s to the number of pupils from Christian families thereports vary. In Hinghwa 70.3% are from Christianfamilies; in Shaowu 60%; in Foochow M.E.F.B. Conferences 33% in Foochow; A.B.C.F.M, 12.6%; in FoochowC.M.S. 33% in; Kienning 44.4%.

>//mission;>,<>00800pupilBOYS EDUCATION IN FUKIEN 301As to those who joined the Church we have reportsfrom a hundred and nine schools with 4805 pupils. Sixtyninejoined the Church or 1.4%.The cost of the school to the missions and the amountcontributed by the pupils arc given in the following table:Contributions per pupil/>//TotfdA.B.C.F.M. $3.50 $1.40 $4.90M.E.F.B. Foochow 2.29 1.49 3.78M.B.F.B. Hinghwa 1.69 1,94 3.63C.M.S. 3.53 No data No dataHigher Primary Schools.D The higher primary schools are a recentDevelopments development and in many ways are full ofmeaning for the future of our education.We have always had boys schools, but they were not relatedto any schools below them nor preparing students forhigher schools. The higher primary schools1are increasingin number and efficiency. The statistics for higher primaryschools in North Fukicn are as follows :Statistics MIC I M. .17 /;/ /> . MKFU.( MS. TnlnlSchools 4 o ;; 4 16Pupils 128 310 207 22. 5 928Chinese teachers 19 30 19 22 90Invested in buildings ... #13,400 8,>9,000 S6,000 ,>2/>Oo #;>4,9m,, ,, equipment.. 3ml,-">8:> (J,28il-Most of these schools are well housed, asBuildingsthe $54,900 invested in buildings indicates.They are also equipped to some extent ($6,283). They arealso strategically located and have as feeders the dayschools of a district and in some cases of a whole prefecture.Teachers They are well supplied with teachers,having one teacher for 8 + pupils. Theteachers are of a much better grade than in the lowerprimary schools. The teachers with classical training stillpredominate, having thirty-nine men or 43.3%. Middle

>//mission;>,<>00800pupilBOYS EDUCATION IN FUKIEN 301As to those who joined the Church we have reportsfrom a hundred and nine schools with 4805 pupils. Sixtyninejoined the Church or 1.4%.The cost of the school to the missions and the amountcontributed by the pupils arc given in the following table:Contributions per pupil/>//TotfdA.B.C.F.M. $3.50 $1.40 $4.90M.E.F.B. Foochow 2.29 1.49 3.78M.B.F.B. Hinghwa 1.69 1,94 3.63C.M.S. 3.53 No data No dataHigher Primary Schools.D The higher primary schools are a recentDevelopments development and in many ways are full ofmeaning for the future of our education.We have always had boys schools, but they were not relatedto any schools below them nor preparing students forhigher schools. The higher primary schools1are increasingin number and efficiency. The statistics for higher primaryschools in North Fukicn are as follows :Statistics MIC I M. .17 /;/ /> . MKFU.( MS. TnlnlSchools 4 o ;; 4 16Pupils 128 310 207 22. 5 928Chinese teachers 19 30 19 22 90Invested in buildings ... #13,400 8,>9,000 S6,000 ,>2/>Oo #;>4,9m,, ,, equipment.. 3ml,-">8:> (J,28il-Most of these schools are well housed, asBuildingsthe $54,900 invested in buildings indicates.They are also equipped to some extent ($6,283). They arealso strategically located and have as feeders the dayschools of a district and in some cases of a whole prefecture.Teachers They are well supplied with teachers,having one teacher for 8 + pupils. Theteachers are of a much better grade than in the lowerprimary schools. The teachers with classical training stillpredominate, having thirty-nine men or 43.3%. Middle

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