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""10 GENERAL REVIEW OF THE YEARshoulders to those of the Chinese. The Chinese Church isat present, subject to sharp growing pains" due to the widedifference between more or less clearly perceived responsibility, and more or Jess clearly recognized lack of capacity.This condition can not, however, be permanent. The Christian Church in China must go forward into its new opportunity, or must confess itself a tested and a proved failure.^-rr o M v U ^ S de li cate transition stage it is notdifficult for the Candid Critic to point outthat nothing is right and that everything is wrong. Thenumbers of the church grow but slowly, and its activitiesdo not proportionately expand. There is everywhere alack of large results, commensurate with opportunities.There is a general unwillingness to arrive at self-support,which in some missions is no further advanced now thanit was twenty years ago. There are in missionary education serious defects, and in every stage from the primaryschool, up to. and through the so-called (and generally miscalled) University. Our graduates are dazzled by thehitherto unheard of opportunities for sudden wealth farbeyond the wildest dreams of their ancestors. These studentswe can not do anything with them, and we can not do anything without them ! The new missionary regime is brimfulof organization. Everybody is on a committee; most areon several, and between the sessions of committees to preparefor conferences, and conferences to hear the reports ofprevious committees, and to nominate new committees, thereis actually less accomplished than when I was a !boy"What you say, kind Friend, is not without some grainsof sense ;but let us remind you that in every age of greattransition the Spirit of God has been working. He is working now, even in the midst of this cruel World War, indeedlie was never more at work than now. All these impressivechanges point to the eventual coming of the Kingdom of Godin China.

CHAPTER IIEFFECT OF THE WAR ON MISSIONS IN CHINAD. MacGfliivrayThe YEAR BOOK of 1915 contained no paper 011 this subject, as it was thought to be too early to make it advisable, butthe editor in the preface briefly recorded some facts and impressions. This paper will form an amplification andcorroboration of the forecast. The European war has nowbeen running its disastrous course for almost two years. Itsmaterial effects are increasingly evident. Only the longyears will show the far-reaching ramifications of its balefulinfluence and the full measure of its legacy of Wastewoe."of money and material, serious as it is, is infinitely outweighed by the destruction of the best young life of thechurches. Inevitable gaps for a generation will mark allkinds of services requiring recruits. The spiritual andpsychological effects of the war cannot fail to be enormous,both in Western countries and in countries where Westernpeople are at work. Historians of the next generation mayprobably be better able to canvass the gains and losses. Theobject of this paper is not so ambitious. We have consultedmany correspondents, and ail we can hope to do is to statesome effects on mission work and workers up to the presentwriting. Even if we could know all, it might only lead topessimism.Bishop Roots writes :"As to the effects of the war on mission work I do not see thatthere has been any very obvious effect on the work with which Iam connected. We have not had to make any redactions in ourestimates for onr work thus far, although we have not made suchlarge increases in expenditures as we have in most recent years.There have been no changes of policy due to the war, nor has anyforward movement or new work been checked in any very definite way. I do not observe any specific effect on the ChineseChurch, or on non-Christians. As to the home constituency, therelias been no special change so far as I can see in matters of eithergiving or other interest, or as to the number of recruits for the foreign

""10 GENERAL REVIEW OF THE YEARshoulders to those of the Chinese. The Chinese Church isat present, subject to sharp growing pains" due to the widedifference between more or less clearly perceived responsibility, and more or Jess clearly recognized lack of capacity.This condition can not, however, be permanent. The Christian Church in China must go forward into its new opportunity, or must confess itself a tested and a proved failure.^-rr o M v U ^ S de li cate transition stage it is notdifficult for the Candid Critic to point outthat nothing is right and that everything is wrong. Thenumbers of the church grow but slowly, and its activitiesdo not proportionately expand. There is everywhere alack of large results, commensurate with opportunities.There is a general unwillingness to arrive at self-support,which in some missions is no further advanced now thanit was twenty years ago. There are in missionary education serious defects, and in every stage from the primaryschool, up to. and through the so-called (and generally miscalled) University. Our graduates are dazzled by thehitherto unheard of opportunities for sudden wealth farbeyond the wildest dreams of their ancestors. These studentswe can not do anything with them, and we can not do anything without them ! The new missionary regime is brimfulof organization. Everybody is on a committee; most areon several, and between the sessions of committees to preparefor conferences, and conferences to hear the reports ofprevious committees, and to nominate new committees, thereis actually less accomplished than when I was a !boy"What you say, kind Friend, is not without some grainsof sense ;but let us remind you that in every age of greattransition the Spirit of God has been working. He is working now, even in the midst of this cruel World War, indeedlie was never more at work than now. All these impressivechanges point to the eventual coming of the Kingdom of Godin China.

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