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REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MIDDLE SCHOOLSsmall percentage of the whole. A missionary school lias aperfect right to shapeits curriculum in accordance with itsaims, but if it encourages the entrance of large groups ofboys and accepts their money for its running expenses, itlias an obligation to prepare them as efficiently as it can forthe life they are to live.In all this the ideals with which anylife- work should heapproached should be made prominent. The curriculumshould be reorganized on the basis of social service ratherthan the mastery of subjects. .More time might well be spentin furnishing perspective and insight into the life problemsfor which education is needed. The Christian aspects ofvocations such as teaching and business should be broughtout. More stress should be laid on courses which preparefor the best type of family life, such as hygiene, sanitation,domestic science, and art, child-training and the cultivationof avocations for the home on courses; preparing for vocational life, such as commercial courses, elementary economicsand business ethics; on courses preparing for communitylife, such as good-citizenship, philanthropy, social serviceand practice in social co-operation in courses preparing for;church life, such as Bible study for practical use, problemsof church life and outlines of church history. It is important in Bible teaching to do as much as possible to trainpupils for leading Bible classes themselves in the future.TT ,?*.<The question, as to the employment ofUse of English -, , , . ,.Lnglish or Chinese is so vexed that theCommittee will not undertake to discuss it. It wouldsuggest, however, that in some cases better results might beobtained by postponing the study of English and then devoting to it more intensive effort, By this method betterfoundations might be laid in Chinese.1. Many of the most valuable products ofeducation are formed better outside thanClassroom1Influences inside of the classroom. In general theschools seem to have these extra-classroominfluences in mind. Perhaps it \vould be well for theCommittee to mention a number of these as suggestive forschools which may not have developed them.

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