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1> The292 GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONnrst laC^ tliat im P resses tne Com-Educationalmittee isViewpointthai of a modern educational viewpoint on the part of many of the heads ofmiddle schools. A number of principals seem to dependMJtihily on traditions and tlieir own common-sense. Witli a,few exceptions they were apparently not in close touch withthe most recent educational theory and practice, althoughnearly all of them were anxious to get new ideas. Tt is ofthe greatest importance that missionary education have atits disposal all the resources of modern educational researchfor dealing with its very difficult problems, and the Committee would suggest the Missionary Boards afford everyfacility to middle school principals for educational studyduring furlough.,w 2. In a number of cases the aims of theEducational -. .n ,. ., ....Aims school seemed indefinite. The aims as statedin the catalogue-, or by the principal, did notalways agree with the type of curriculum or the resultsobtained. Some of the aims given were rather vague orunsatisfactory. The Committee would suggest that somefundamental questions as to the aims of missionary education, in view of present and approaching conditions, willneed to be thought out.^ ^e cim i f u l a ^Curriculau general are based onsubject-matter rather than on actual needs.They seem overloaded with subject-matter. The influence ofthe government schools has contributed to this as well as thatof the colleges, and also the popular demand for certainbranches of science and for English. The mission school isresponsible for investing the time of its pupils at the highestpossible rate of interest. It has no right to consume yearsin studies which have small relation to their ultimate lifework,nor ought it to include within studies details whichcould easily be omitted.As a basis for a revision of the curriculum, there isneed in the first place for more careful studies than are yetat hand as to the destination of pupils, their actual attainments on entering middle school, and the proportion of thosewho drop out to those who continue. In many cases onlythe records of graduates are kept and these are often a

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