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284 GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONhe helps himself. *Another observes that the boys who havebeen helped freely become the kind of * helper ; later onwho still expects to be helped. Is not that the law of habit?Self-help inculcates self-reverence.XII. Has the industrial work b^en valuable in revealing tocertain boj/$ fhcir aptitude for work and their inaptitude forstudy *As a11 scno l curricula arcImportance ofadapted to()ll<the Subjectyl P ai t of the pupils, it .stands to reasonthat vocational education is a valuableaddition to any school. Some line, earnest boys of realparts are not scholarly in an academic sense. They becomeexecrable preachers and teachers but some of. these sameboys will become famous in the field \\here their genius lies.X11L. II hat Manual training, refftiired of all the students,IIAI.CC DOII in your curriculum?^ ]S a mi^Place on surprise to lind only one orCurriculum twe schools which have manual training forall the pupils. Surely in this, mission schoolsare far behind government schools, which at any rate insome parts of China, have manual training courses in allthe grades. This fundamental principle of education cannot safely be ignored by mission schools any longer.SummarFrom the above questions and answer s, itis clear that a fairly respectable beginninghas been made in industrial self-help education in a fewmissions. Tnere is all but unanimous feeling that this ismost highly desirable. Perhapsit is not so difficult as itappears, and we should set ourselves sternly to the task ofworking out an up-to-date educational policy along theselines. The absence of manual training is a startling fact,when we consider that our best schools in the home landshave long since demonstrated the supreme value of suchcourses.

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