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"""280 GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONsince it is so easily learned. Fruit and seed selecfarming1tion contribute largely to the educational, social, andeconomic life. Rug-making has a high educational value.It correlates in concrete form several of the subjects a boystudies, designing, dyeing, and the general technique taxesa boy s knowledge of art, arithmetic, and geometry, andfurthermore develops initiative and judgement.J\\ (Duality and Market Value of Work.I . Is the qualiti/ of your product (it fjood as that of thegeneral market /^ ie answe is : Yes." inQuality of many cases thejWorkanswer is: It is belter. There is moreconscience in the industry and more enthusiasm and more high intelligence. Brains count ingeneral economy in trade. In one factory, the manager whohas a large independent factory of his own said, Your boysdo as well at the end of three months as my apprentices atthe end of two years. Thc;y are so much more intelligent.".?. Do i/otifind a read)/ market for your output?r^ie ^ac ^ ^ ia^ neaiOutput Findsb a^ nlRl a ready, andReady Market some an eager market for their goods showsthat the industries chosen are well adapted.The following considerations should be kept in mind iudetermining the trade to be followed: (1) Raw materialshould be purchasable near at hand and at a reasonableprice. (2) The product should be one which is requiredsteadily by some community, either Chinese or foreign, e.g.,canned fruits are in demand in some places by the nativecommunity. Peking rugs are in great demand by largenumbers of foreigners in China and by department stores inAmerica.3. How profitable financiatlu is this enterprise ?The^ 1Financial*S *8 ^1C r0u ^ OU wu ^e^ llianv an venture-Problem some ship in these waters has been sunk."After six months we become bankrupt,"and they have not tried anything else since. Dr. T. H. P.

. ~iNDtfSTltlAL EDUCATION IN MISSION SCHOOLS 281Sailor, said in his receiit visit to the East that ho had seenbut one self-help industrial department in a mission schoolwhich was wholly self-supporting. Of course, money returnsare only a fraction of the larger returns sought, but theyare vital. A few missionary educators are so convinced ofthe necessity of a student s doing something, that eventhough the department is an actual cost to the school, theyjustify the expense on the ground that all educational idealsare being fructified by the incorporation of such a department. In Mr. Winter s self-help department where the boyswork four hours a day, they make 85% of their livingexpenses. In the i ingtu Christian Institute a boy earnsone-half of his living after the first year, all after the third."During the entire course of five years; the shop boys payless than one years board; and last year we made profitsenough to pay one teacher after paying the salary of eachheadman." This seems about ideal but is by no means atypical example, though it shows what is being done.4. Have you a skilled worker in charge /Success does not seem to depend on havingStrict. .Oversight ,sucn a worker.NecessaryPerhaps in the schools wherethere is not such a head, the foreigner incharge comes very near to being a skilled worker. Onewrites, had live years in a nursery before coming out"IAnother is an architect, and still others have given closestudy to vocational problems in the home laud. Whetherthere is a skilled worker or not, the strictest supervision isnecessary to insure progress on the part of the learner andeconomy in the work.r. In your self-help department are your ywpilx who areIgiving part of their time to thin work looked down upon in anyway by the rest of the student bod}/?In no instance, does any one report thatStanding of J0ys or giris arc iookecl down upon becauseStudent they labour. Many of the wealthier pupilsapply to be allowed to do some form ofmanual work, which appeals to any normal youth. BoysA 35

"""280 GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONsince it is so easily learned. Fruit and seed selecfarming1tion contribute largely to the educational, social, andeconomic life. Rug-making has a high educational value.It correlates in concrete form several of the subjects a boystudies, designing, dyeing, and the general technique taxesa boy s knowledge of art, arithmetic, and geometry, andfurthermore develops initiative and judgement.J\\ (Duality and Market Value of Work.I . Is the qualiti/ of your product (it fjood as that of thegeneral market /^ ie answe is : Yes." inQuality of many cases thejWorkanswer is: It is belter. There is moreconscience in the industry and more enthusiasm and more high intelligence. Brains count ingeneral economy in trade. In one factory, the manager whohas a large independent factory of his own said, Your boysdo as well at the end of three months as my apprentices atthe end of two years. Thc;y are so much more intelligent.".?. Do i/otifind a read)/ market for your output?r^ie ^ac ^ ^ ia^ neaiOutput Findsb a^ nlRl a ready, andReady Market some an eager market for their goods showsthat the industries chosen are well adapted.The following considerations should be kept in mind iudetermining the trade to be followed: (1) Raw materialshould be purchasable near at hand and at a reasonableprice. (2) The product should be one which is requiredsteadily by some community, either Chinese or foreign, e.g.,canned fruits are in demand in some places by the nativecommunity. Peking rugs are in great demand by largenumbers of foreigners in China and by department stores inAmerica.3. How profitable financiatlu is this enterprise ?The^ 1Financial*S *8 ^1C r0u ^ OU wu ^e^ llianv an venture-Problem some ship in these waters has been sunk."After six months we become bankrupt,"and they have not tried anything else since. Dr. T. H. P.

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