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274: GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONto form a system of modern courts for all the people ofChina, it would be impossible to find the lawyers to make thejudges, to say nothing of the much larger number necessaryto form the bars, without which courts cannot be conducted.The result is,that a profession without which a moderngovernment cannot operate must be created almost wholly.Such a profession cannot be created in a day, and thisschool is opened now with sincere regret that it could nothave been done many years ago.The school was established in Shanghai forShanghai asmany reasons. Shanghai is centrally located.1 3LocationIt ^ s 01]e f the most populous and importantcities of China. It is both a port town anda railroad centre, and it is easy of access to students fromall sections of the country. It is also a large and importantcommercial centre. At this place are regularly held bothAmerican and English courts, in addition to the Mixed andConsular courts. These are all valuable as concrete exhibitions to students of the law in operation. The existence ofthe courts necessarily implies the presence of lawyers, andgood bars of both English and American lawyers are foundthere. From their number many have consented to doteaching, and through the faithful work and support ofJudge Lobingier and the other members of the local bar,has a law school alone been made possible.The aim of the School is to give a trainingto s ^u^ents i n Different systems of law, thatthey may be able to compare thorn and got.the general legal principles common to all. While thecourse is in English, at the present time three differentsystems aro being presented the Anglo-American, theRoman, and the Hebrew systems. The Chinese system isbeing presented, incidentally, as well as it may bo withoutbooks or course worked out. It is the aim, in just as shorta time as may be practicable, to have the Chinese systemcarefully taught. Already in the study of Property andDomestic Relations, two of the most important subjects inwhich Chinese students should know their own law, twosplendid Chinese lawyers, Mr. S. C. Chu, and Dr. C. H.

CHINA CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION 275Wang, are giving instruction, in order that the studentsmay be given a knowledge of their o\vn legal principles inthese important subjects as they stud} the English text.The schoolFeesyear is divided into two terms.The hours of recitation are from 3 : 30 to7:30 each afternoon and evening except Saturdays andSundays. The fees for each year are: for tuition, $80.00,and for board $72.00, payable one half at the beginning ofeach term. The fall term of the next school year will openSeptember 14, 1916. Any desiring information shouldaddress The Dean, No. 20, Quinsan Road, Shanghai.

274: GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONto form a system of modern courts for all the people ofChina, it would be impossible to find the lawyers to make thejudges, to say nothing of the much larger number necessaryto form the bars, without which courts cannot be conducted.The result is,that a profession without which a moderngovernment cannot operate must be created almost wholly.Such a profession cannot be created in a day, and thisschool is opened now with sincere regret that it could nothave been done many years ago.The school was established in Shanghai forShanghai asmany reasons. Shanghai is centrally located.1 3LocationIt ^ s 01]e f the most populous and importantcities of China. It is both a port town anda railroad centre, and it is easy of access to students fromall sections of the country. It is also a large and importantcommercial centre. At this place are regularly held bothAmerican and English courts, in addition to the Mixed andConsular courts. These are all valuable as concrete exhibitions to students of the law in operation. The existence ofthe courts necessarily implies the presence of lawyers, andgood bars of both English and American lawyers are foundthere. From their number many have consented to doteaching, and through the faithful work and support ofJudge Lobingier and the other members of the local bar,has a law school alone been made possible.The aim of the School is to give a trainingto s ^u^ents i n Different systems of law, thatthey may be able to compare thorn and got.the general legal principles common to all. While thecourse is in English, at the present time three differentsystems aro being presented the Anglo-American, theRoman, and the Hebrew systems. The Chinese system isbeing presented, incidentally, as well as it may bo withoutbooks or course worked out. It is the aim, in just as shorta time as may be practicable, to have the Chinese systemcarefully taught. Already in the study of Property andDomestic Relations, two of the most important subjects inwhich Chinese students should know their own law, twosplendid Chinese lawyers, Mr. S. C. Chu, and Dr. C. H.

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