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270 GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONorganization of the Shantung-Honan branch of the Educational Association and to this end is to secure the co-operation of as many of the Christian educationists in theseprovinces as possible. The Committee is to act on theauthority of the Federation Council for a period not exceeding two years, as an executive committee of the Shantung-Honan Branch Educational Association, until that bodyshall have been constituted and shall have appointed anotherexecutive committee...KT ~,. We have visited Peking and Moukden andNorth Chrna ./->., ,there is good prospect that Christian Educational Associations will soon be formed in both Chihli andManchuria. Preliminary steps have been taken to this endin Manchuria..P r We are , increasingly convinced from ob-Jiast L.mna . .,r -i j. i i i * i iservauon 01 what lias been accomplished byAssociations already in existence that there are large possibilities for the general uplift of educational work in theselocal Associations. The East China Educational Association, organized less than three years ago, is already exertinga distinct influence in educational matters in its territory.A committee appointed by this Association has recentlymade a preliminary survey of some of the middle schools.Fresh emphasis was given to the fact that there is a spiritualquality in school wr ork that does not lend itself readily tomeasurement, and time limitations make satisfactory workdifficult. However, a beginning was made, and a new,committee was appointed with the expectation that it Avillhave opportunity for more intensive work.TheThe Educational Review has been publishedEducational quarterly, the four issues containing a largerReview amount of printed matter during the yearthan when published monthly.With the hearty co-operation of the editorial board andof our constituency, the Review seems to be winningincreasing approval. The circulation has made a distinctadvance during the past year.Rev. E. W. Wallace, General Secretary of the WestChina Christian Educational Union, recently sent to our

"CHINA CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION 271office for one hundred subscription blanks, stating that hedesired to put the Review in the hands of educationistsgenerally in West China because of its helpfulness.Purpose of the In editing the Review we have in mindReview among other things the following purposes:To keep local associations in touch with each other by first-handinformation as to what is being done, how it isbeing done and the1results, so far as these lend themselves to immediate report.To keep in touch with Chinese government education. We arefortunate in having on our editorial board in special charge ofgovernment education, Mr. Fong F. Sec, M.A., who in each issue ofthe Review supplies us with up-to-date information regarding themovements of the Government in educational matters.To keep in general touch with the ever- widening scope of moderneducation and to lay under contribution for their suggestive valuethe experiences of other lands. In this connection we would mentionwith appreciation the work of Dr. T. IT. P. Sailer, of TeachersCollege, Columbia University, a member of our editorial board. Byfrequent contributions to the Reneic, by a personal visitation toChina during the past year, in North China, in Central China, andin South China, Dr. Sailer has rendered a large, service in callingattention to the trend of modern education, that increasingly seeksto relate the work of the school to the life of the people.Probably the greatest educational exhibitthat has ever been brought together was thati i yn i AI <<T -i n TI n , i,wmch filled the Palace of EducationExpositionatthe Panama-Pacific International Expositionrecently at this exhibitwelfare service were emphasized as never before.The beholder was impressed with the widening scope ofeducation and that the school is reaching down into thehome and out into all the walks of life.heldand humanSan Francisco. In humanIn a not remote past public education in western landsconfined itself largely to what is known as the formal partof education, limiting its responsibility to school hours andschool buildings.With the visible growth of the spirit of service whichis characteristic of to-day, the school is accepting anincreased responsibility for the physical, mental andspiritual well-being of its students. Government systems ofeducation find embarrassment in dealing with the spiritualphases of education, but mission schools are In a position to

"CHINA CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION 271office for one hundred subscription blanks, stating that hedesired to put the Review in the hands of educationistsgenerally in West China because of its helpfulness.Purpose of the In editing the Review we have in mindReview among other things the following purposes:To keep local associations in touch with each other by first-handinformation as to what is being done, how it isbeing done and the1results, so far as these lend themselves to immediate report.To keep in touch with Chinese government education. We arefortunate in having on our editorial board in special charge ofgovernment education, Mr. Fong F. Sec, M.A., who in each issue ofthe Review supplies us with up-to-date information regarding themovements of the Government in educational matters.To keep in general touch with the ever- widening scope of moderneducation and to lay under contribution for their suggestive valuethe experiences of other lands. In this connection we would mentionwith appreciation the work of Dr. T. IT. P. Sailer, of TeachersCollege, Columbia University, a member of our editorial board. Byfrequent contributions to the Reneic, by a personal visitation toChina during the past year, in North China, in Central China, andin South China, Dr. Sailer has rendered a large, service in callingattention to the trend of modern education, that increasingly seeksto relate the work of the school to the life of the people.Probably the greatest educational exhibitthat has ever been brought together was thati i yn i AI <<T -i n TI n , i,wmch filled the Palace of EducationExpositionatthe Panama-Pacific International Expositionrecently at this exhibitwelfare service were emphasized as never before.The beholder was impressed with the widening scope ofeducation and that the school is reaching down into thehome and out into all the walks of life.heldand humanSan Francisco. In humanIn a not remote past public education in western landsconfined itself largely to what is known as the formal partof education, limiting its responsibility to school hours andschool buildings.With the visible growth of the spirit of service whichis characteristic of to-day, the school is accepting anincreased responsibility for the physical, mental andspiritual well-being of its students. Government systems ofeducation find embarrassment in dealing with the spiritualphases of education, but mission schools are In a position to

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