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CHAPLER XVIIITHE WORK OF THE CHINA CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONALASSOCIATIONFrank D. GamewellThe Association known for over twenty years as theEducational Association of China assumed its nown ameJanuary 1, 1916, and is now known as the China ChristianEducational Association.A The work of the Association . is under thervcJvisory . , . ..,,, . ,.,.<Council general supervision or an Advisory Councildelegated body representingeight units into which China has been divided, each unitwhich is a thebeing entitled to three delegates. In addition, the ninemembers of the Executive Committee are ex-officio members!of the Council, thus giving a total oi thirty-three persons.There is a possible increase of this number by co-optingmembers who represent special phases of educational work.At the meeting of the Advisory Council held in Shanghai April 27-28, 1915, the question of the next meeting ofthe Council was referred to the Executive Committee ofthe Association with power.In December the Executive Committee decided that thenext meeting of the Advisory Council should be held in ] 917.Local Associations as a rule meet annually and willnaturally deal with local questions, in addition to thoseof wider interest. Action was taken at the last meetingof the Advisory Council by which the Executive Committee is to suggest topics to the local Associations fordiscussion and for report of findings to the. GeneralAssociation through its General Secretary.With the preliminary work of the local Associationsin hand, a biennial meeting of the Advisory Council willprobably meet all demands, and in consideration of presentworld conditions we believe the decision to omit the meetingof the Advisory Council in 1916 is to be commended.

>CHINA CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION 269In this connection we would say that we hope the 1917meeting of the Advisory Council may be held under conditions that will afford opportunity for tinhurried consideration of the important questions involved. In order toeconomize time and transportation expenses the AdvisoryCouncil has met in connection with the China ContinuationCommittee. If these meetings occur at approximately thesame time, care must be taken to hold the meetings ondifferent days so as to avoid the overlapping of programmes.Formation of Local AssociationsIn the plan of reorganization it was stated that thegeneral Association among other objects hoped to be ofservice in promoting the formation of local Associationsand in keeping these in touch with each other. This purposehas been kept steadily in mind and progress has been madein the formation of affiliated associations.r . < .r r In June the General Secretary metCentral Chma by J., ,.invitation at Hankow with the ExecutiveCommittee of the Central China Christian EducationalUnion, and plans were outlined which later led to theformation of the Central China Christian EducationalAssociation, which is affiliated, with the general Association.A conference is to be held annually at Killing in the earlypart of August.Shantung- Preliminary steps have been taken towardsHonan^ ne formation of a Shantung-Honaii Educational Association. The Shantung FederationCouncil which met in Tsinanfu on September 6-7 gave itssanction and hearty approval to the following resolution:1. The Shantung Federation Council approves theformation of a branch of the Christian Educational Association of China for the provinces of Shantung and Honan, themembership to be on equal terms for Chinese and foreignersengaged in Christian work and to others in these provinceswho are eligible to membership in the Christian EducationalAssociation of China, A committee of Chinese and foreigners living within easy access of Tsinanfu was elected by theFederation Council and given power to co-opt other members. This committee is made responsible for the early

>CHINA CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION 269In this connection we would say that we hope the 1917meeting of the Advisory Council may be held under conditions that will afford opportunity for tinhurried consideration of the important questions involved. In order toeconomize time and transportation expenses the AdvisoryCouncil has met in connection with the China ContinuationCommittee. If these meetings occur at approximately thesame time, care must be taken to hold the meetings ondifferent days so as to avoid the overlapping of programmes.Formation of Local AssociationsIn the plan of reorganization it was stated that thegeneral Association among other objects hoped to be ofservice in promoting the formation of local Associationsand in keeping these in touch with each other. This purposehas been kept steadily in mind and progress has been madein the formation of affiliated associations.r . < .r r In June the General Secretary metCentral Chma by J., ,.invitation at Hankow with the ExecutiveCommittee of the Central China Christian EducationalUnion, and plans were outlined which later led to theformation of the Central China Christian EducationalAssociation, which is affiliated, with the general Association.A conference is to be held annually at Killing in the earlypart of August.Shantung- Preliminary steps have been taken towardsHonan^ ne formation of a Shantung-Honaii Educational Association. The Shantung FederationCouncil which met in Tsinanfu on September 6-7 gave itssanction and hearty approval to the following resolution:1. The Shantung Federation Council approves theformation of a branch of the Christian Educational Association of China for the provinces of Shantung and Honan, themembership to be on equal terms for Chinese and foreignersengaged in Christian work and to others in these provinceswho are eligible to membership in the Christian EducationalAssociation of China, A committee of Chinese and foreigners living within easy access of Tsinanfu was elected by theFederation Council and given power to co-opt other members. This committee is made responsible for the early

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