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TWO DECADES OF CHANGES IN CHINA 7Union Medical College in Peking, with the promise (upona more or less formal examination) of government recognition of its degrees. The definite taking over of this greatmedical plant by the China Medical Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and its purpose to found another similarinstitution at Shanghai (together with liberal subsidies toother medical schools under quite different management)form a combination of advance steps such as the Far East(or perhaps any other east) has never seen before. Half acentury hence it will be easier than it now is to appraise atits true value this great co-ordinated, international benefaction.TT . Anothersignificant change in the educatedChinese is their recognition of the capital importance of hygiene, both family and civic. Revolutionaryconceptions like these, which in every land stubborn conservatism stoutly combats, are nevertheless making slow butsure headway in China. Trained nurses, men and women,are just beginning to appear in very small numbers. Theyform the thin advance guard of a mighty host which inman}- ways will modify and elevate the entire life of greatnumbers of the Chinese people*.^ iie ^me wlien * ne Christian Church inT Ch f L1Church China was either altogether unknown, or wasquite ignored, has long since passed. Amongthe high officers of the Central Government, as well as inprovinces, are men of grtat ability and i^rominence andinfluence, well known to be Christians. It was through thesuggestion of one of these, Mr. Lu Cheng-hsiang, that in thespring of 1913 the day of prayer for China was so widelyobservedall over the country. The Christian Church isproducing many able men and women also wrho occupypositions of great intellectual and spiritual importance.Among these, the Chinese evangelists, women as well as men,are in the front rank, and their influence is steadily broadening and deepening.Outs^6Social Serv ceeIdealssome cases of ample means.f the Christian Church there hasemerged a relatively new type of Chinese, menof wide experience, broad sympathies, and inSome of them have given large

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