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CHAPTER XVIITHE PRESENT STATUS OF GOVERNMENTEDUCATION IN CHINAFong F. SecThe educational situation in China during the past yearwas marked by a steady increase in the number of schoolsand students and in school expenditure, by two importantconferences of a national character, by attempts at reorganization for effective administration in the provinces,by placing emphasis on normal training and the qualification of teachers, by stressing popular education, by theintroduction of compulsory education, and by the establishment of modern schools 111Mongolia. The period underreview extends from April, 1915, to March, 1916.s .. ,. The following are figures given out by theMinistry of Education regarding educationin China covering the period from August, 1912, to July,1913:Total No. of schools 86,799students ., 2,905,152graduates 167,811Executive officers of schools 98,215Teachers 127,706Male students 2,766,004Girl students 141,148Government established schools 61,859Private schools 24,541Annual income $29,168,113expenditure $29,184,573The following gross figures are the latest obtainableand cover the period from August, 1913, to July, 1914:No. of schools 108,448No. of students 3,643,206Total school expenses $35,151,361

PRESENT STATUS OF GOVERNMENT EDUCATION 263The Ministry of Finance fixed the sum of $13,953,108as the education budget for 1916. The amounts that theprovinces are to spend for education during the year, ascompared with those for 1915, show an increase for amajority of provinces; but it is interesting to note thatHunan and Chekiang show 7 a decrease of $146,343 and$123,073 respectively. Hupeli, Kiangsu, Kiangsi andSzechwan also show a decrease.~ r A National Conference of the ProvincialEducational Associations took place in Tientsin from April 20th to May 12th, 1915. It was calledtogether by the ChihJi Association, and fifty-three delegateswore present, besides three deputies from the Government.Of the proposals brought up for discussion, only thirteenwere passed. The measures that were passed, for the mostpart, concern the Ministry of Education. They includethe revision of the normal school curriculum, tenure ofoffice for teachers, plans for spreading industrial, social,and military education, and the establishment of educationaldepartments in the provinces. Two motions deal withrecommendations to the provincial associations regardingprimary education and the use of Sunday for teachingmorals. It was decided to invite the opinion of the Educational Associations concerning a change in the educationalsystem of the country and to introduce free education. Itwas also decided to ask the permission of the Government to include in the constitution the matter of freeeducation. The meeting decided to hold a conference everyyear. The next conference will take place in Peking 011May 9, 1916.The other notable event was the Conference of NormalSchool Principals and Deans held in Peking beginning onAugust 10th. The Minister of Education introduced fordiscussion several matters relating to the advancement ofnormal school education. As an outcome of this conferencea Mandate was issued to urge the Ministry of Education toenlarge the number of normal schools, pointing out thatthe establishment of normal schools should receive the firstand foremost attention.

CHAPTER XVIITHE PRESENT STATUS OF GOVERNMENTEDUCATION IN CHINAFong F. SecThe educational situation in China during the past yearwas marked by a steady increase in the number of schoolsand students and in school expenditure, by two importantconferences of a national character, by attempts at reorganization for effective administration in the provinces,by placing emphasis on normal training and the qualification of teachers, by stressing popular education, by theintroduction of compulsory education, and by the establishment of modern schools 111Mongolia. The period underreview extends from April, 1915, to March, 1916.s .. ,. The following are figures given out by theMinistry of Education regarding educationin China covering the period from August, 1912, to July,1913:Total No. of schools 86,799students ., 2,905,152graduates 167,811Executive officers of schools 98,215Teachers 127,706Male students 2,766,004Girl students 141,148Government established schools 61,859Private schools 24,541Annual income $29,168,113expenditure $29,184,573The following gross figures are the latest obtainableand cover the period from August, 1913, to July, 1914:No. of schools 108,448No. of students 3,643,206Total school expenses $35,151,361

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