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MISSIONARY EDUCATIONAL WORK 257Educational Association to investigate conditions in middleschools visited several centres. They were accompanied byDr. T. H. P. Sailer, of Columbia University, who drew upand presented their findings.Necessarily in the early days of missionary work novery definite policy was pursued in the founding anddevelopment of Christian schools, and thus the work grewin a haphazard sort of way and was to a large extent uncoordinated. Men and women whe had no special training asteachers before they came to China were drafted into thework. Many of them proved themselves born teachers andhave accomplished excellent results under adverse conditions.The time has arrived when we should no longer be contentwith the present conditions, and in order that matters maybe improved we must take an inventory of just where westand. When an educational expert visits our schools andreports his impressions, we will find much that is notaltogether flattering in his criticisms, but it will be good forus to see ourselves as others see us.We must not be satisfied with the thoughtHigher that our institutions are superior inotanaardsmany., , . , *-,Necessary ways to those which are under governmentcontrol, but should put before ourselves thehighest standards. Competition between schools in thesame locality sbould as far as possible be eliminated. Thereshould be a harmonious division of the field and in theinterest of economy, duplication of effort should be avoided.We believe that these surveys will show shortcomingsand will direct our attention to ways in which evils may beremedied. Each mission should see to it that its wholesystem of schools is co-ordinated, and all missions shouldstrive to attain to the same standards in the various gradesand to locate their schools so that they will be of thegreatest use to the cause of Christian education in China.China Christian Educational AssociationAssociationsAs the General Secretary gives a review of^ ie W0r^ ^ ^ie Association during the pastyear, it is only necessary here to make a

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