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CollegeMISSIONARY EDUCATIONAL WORK 255Co-operationand UnionThe movement for co-operation and union lias beencontinued and has met with more or less success. The planfor complete nnion in higher education under missionaryauspices in North China proceeds slowly. Legal andfinancial obstacles have been encountered which can only besurmounted with difficulty.An amalgamation of the Union Theological!i io ,? in Peking with the Peking UniversityTheological ,.,,ias "een effected.CollegesIn Hunan a Union Theological School hasbeen organized by the American Presbyterian Mission,North, the Reformed Church in the United States the UnitedEvangelical and the. \Yesleyan Missions; and a Tnion (GirlsHigh School has been established at Changsha by thePresbyterian and United Evangelical Missions.A proposal was formulated for acomplete unionbetween the School of Theology in Nanking and the NankingUniversity, but it was finally decided that the policy andmanagement of the School of Theology should be left in thehands of the participating missions and their respectiveboards, but at the same time that the school should work inclose co-operation with the University.Widle we view these attempts at closerunion and co-operation with sympathy, weInstitutionsmust recognize that they are effected withconsiderable difficulty, and that they do notrealize all the sanguine expectations which have beenentertained in regard to them.Dr. Robert E. Speer, in the Report of the Deputation ofthe Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, says :"It seems clear from experience that union in higher educationalwork does not reduce expense. H each separate denominationundertook to provide single-handed the same kind of institutionwhich it join.s in providing co-operatively it would of course have tomeet a far larger expense than its share of the union institution.But as a matter of fact what most denominations would tryt<>provide separately is less than the union institution, and sometimes less even than their share in the union institution soonrequires. For the united effort attempts what the separate effortwould not attempt, and the obligation of the union draws the

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