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252 EVANGELISMTientsin willFuture Plantgo on with the intensive work,1looking to an extensive effort early in 11)17.A loader of national prominence has been secured, to directa series of meetings during the projected week of simultaneous evangelistic effort for China.V, THE SUNDAY SERVICE LEAGUE, SHANGHAIW. W. LockwoodThe Sunday Service League of Shanghai is now completing its second year of successful activity. It was organized inorder to provide a service in the English language at whichChinese returned students and others would be welcome. Itsservices are held in the Martyrs Memorial Hall late onSunday afternoon at an hour when there are no other churchservices. It maintains an attendance of from one hundredto one hundred arid fifty. The meetings are conducted in adignified manner but they are lively, full of hope and sunshine and made more enjoyable by the Sunday ServiceLeague choir which appears on the programme frequently.The best available speakers are used and often distinguishedvisitors from England and America are given this uniqueopportunity of addressing the Chinese in English and without having to share their time with an "interrupter." Thetopics chosen are those which interest the returned studentas he considers the religious needs of his country. Manyhave been strengthened by the message received at theseservices. The leaders of the League are Chinese young menand women who are themselves actively engaged in the workof some local church. Every precaution has been taken toprevent the .organization from becoming a church. This isclearly stated in the constitution of the society and frequentlyre-iterated by those in charge. Frequent appeals have beenmade by speakers for workers in various church enterprisesand these have never been unheeded. The Sunday ServiceLeague has justified its existence and may be a suggestivemethod of reaching this important class in cities where thereis a large number of English-speaking Chinese.

PART IVGENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONCHAPTER XVIMISSIONARY EDUCATIONAL WORKF. L. Hawks PottThe educational work of missions becomes increasinglyimportant, and it is useful to note the progress made yearby year. Unfortunately we have not the data at handenabling us to give a statistical report of what has beenaccomplished during the last twelve months, and must becontent with a general survey calling attention to certainaspects and giving an account of certain new features.Although wo realize more than formerly the great need ofthe development of primary and secondary education, yetwe arc compelled to be almost entirely silent about it and todwell more on those things which strike the eye or theimagination. Inadequate as our review may be, we hope itwill be the precursor of a more exact resume to be madeeach successive year.Progressin Some of the CentresOn the whole the year has been one of steady progressin all portions of the field. It has been uninterrupted, andthere have not been the setbacks which occur during aperiod of serious political revolution.The developments calling for special mention are thefollowing : The advance made by the West ChinaUnionUnionUniversity. The Joyce MemorialUniversity building has been completed, and otherbuildings are in process of construction. Alarge tract of 120 acres of additional land has been acquired.The University proper has been organized with a studentenrollment of forty-eight, seven in the Senior College, and

PART IVGENERAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONCHAPTER XVIMISSIONARY EDUCATIONAL WORKF. L. Hawks PottThe educational work of missions becomes increasinglyimportant, and it is useful to note the progress made yearby year. Unfortunately we have not the data at handenabling us to give a statistical report of what has beenaccomplished during the last twelve months, and must becontent with a general survey calling attention to certainaspects and giving an account of certain new features.Although wo realize more than formerly the great need ofthe development of primary and secondary education, yetwe arc compelled to be almost entirely silent about it and todwell more on those things which strike the eye or theimagination. Inadequate as our review may be, we hope itwill be the precursor of a more exact resume to be madeeach successive year.Progressin Some of the CentresOn the whole the year has been one of steady progressin all portions of the field. It has been uninterrupted, andthere have not been the setbacks which occur during aperiod of serious political revolution.The developments calling for special mention are thefollowing : The advance made by the West ChinaUnionUnionUniversity. The Joyce MemorialUniversity building has been completed, and otherbuildings are in process of construction. Alarge tract of 120 acres of additional land has been acquired.The University proper has been organized with a studentenrollment of forty-eight, seven in the Senior College, and

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