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DEVELOPMENTS IN PROVINCES AND CITIES 247enquirers iu Bible study circles. One large and severalsmaller soeials have been held 1 or men in Bible elassesduring the first term. Efforts were made to follow up themen who had decided at the close of 1914 to join variouschurches.Evan el stfcDuring the fall term in view of the fullMeetings programme for special evangelistic meetingsin three churches during October, Novemberand December, the committee felt it wise to drop the socialservice efforts, and confine their activities to the regularlyorganized Bible classes, together Avith the preparation for,and follow-up of. these special meetings. We give herewiththe results so far as figures are concerned, of the meetingsin each of these :Geu Cio Dong, enquirers; men, 11.0; women, 72.Do Gie Li, enquirers; men, 180; women, 140.Sien Liang Dong, enquirers; men, 171; women, 70.In each of these churches responsibility was placed MSfar as possible upon the church-members themselves andproved to be very result ful both in the life of the church andthose assisting, and in the effect upon those influenced bythe meetings. Bible classes have been organized for theseenquirers in each of the churches, in some cases with a largepercentage of those who signed cards among the higher classpeople, both men and women, attending.^ s was * ^eDifficultiesexP cc tcd, difficulty has beenencountered in getting all who expressed apurpose to study the teachings of Jesus Christ, to actuallycome to classes, but the committee felt that the influence ofthe meetings upon those who attended and the results offollow-up work as far as such has been possible, has been byfar the most effective line of activity conducted during theyear. We feel that similar efforts should be put forth inother churches throughout the city during the coming year.While conscious of many mistakes that we have madeand opportunities neglected, yet we feel with all that Godhas richly blessed our imperfect efforts during these pastmonths and are of the opinion that evangelistic effort insome such organization as this, should be continued for the

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