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246 EVANGELISMthe year. In one centre, there is a local evangelistic committee, with sub-committees in each oi the four congregationsinto which the district is divided. The out-stations of thesecongregations each have their own small sub-committee.By this means the whole body is to keep in touch with theProvincial committee. They are, secondly, to enlist workersat once, for individual evangelism, and other forms ofChristian effort. Each Christian is to be presented with aleaflet containing several forms of Christian activity, andasked to undertake one or more. This method is being usedin some other centres, and is being advocated by theProvincial Forward Evangelistic Committee.^ n aPrayer^empt is being made by circulars andby the above-mentioned leaflets, to draw outprogress of the whole Church for the specitic objects ofthe campaign.Meetin sEvangelistic meetings have been held inchapels, churches and theatres, and a largeaggregate number of cards have been signed. In two placesone hundered fifty names were received, of those who promised to study the Bible. But in neither of these placeshad previous preparation been made to follow up the results.< ,-P, r The Church as a whole is interested, butT. he Church .. .Tj ... ,1not yet stirred. It will take some markedsuccess to rouse her from the despondent mood, caused byyears of stagnancy. This at least can be said, thatthere are now a number of leaders in each centre, alert andkeen, ready for the first call to advance.IT,REPORT OF THE FOOCHOW EVANGELISTICCOMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR J9J5D ,, 1 ^1 TheBible Class report A., covering &.,.the.first half~.., ,of the,Attendance year included the statistics of Bible classattendance, which showed on a rough estimate4that a little over three hundred and twenty men have been-.attending classes during the spring term. Classes in thetii.v Hundred Character Book have been held in six differentsections of the city with a total enrollment of about onehundred and fifty students. These classes were led by

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