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236 EVANGELISMNew York. When asked why he didn ; ttry to get convertsin his Forty-Second Street Mission connected with a Churchnear by, the Colonel replied that the reasen was that"converted;drunkards don t keep on ice." This remarkapplies in a special degree to students in China. Theirsocial needs must be satisfied. The appeal which touchessimply their intellect or conscience and does not providethem a warm Christian companionship leaves them defenceless against the insidious attacks of tempiatioii, with nothingfo TTo and no positive or constructive programme to lead themout and on into helpful life and work. This would seem toindicate that in most cases it would probably be best_iu)t_tounjlertake _...eyiingclistic work for students excjy)t in thoseplaces where there arc adequate measures for following itup vigorously with Christian comradeship an3 deTmite formsof helpful service. The movement has shown the futility oftlie attemProvisionpt to permanently and affectivelyDemanded reach and hold the student classes unlessChristian leaders both on the field and at thehome base are prepared to make immediate and adequateprovision for the vigorous, continued and sustainedprosecution of the new effort, insuring the proper conservation of its results. There is general agreement that now isthe- time to strike hard and initiate work which can andwhich will be folloAved up to conclusive issues in the lives ofChina s future leaders. The unprecedented opportunitydemands a corresponding extraordinary response on thepart of the leaders of the Christian Church and themissionary movement. Vastly increased resources especiallyduly qualified men and women, and also large financialresources which can make the best use of the Chinese menand women who are available or can be trained for thiswork, should be given to China without stint and at theearliest possible moment.The Chinese Ministry ne_eds to be greatlyCWnese strengthened if the movement among theMinistrystudents is to add permanently to the powerand usefulness of the Christian Church. Aprominent Chinese leader writes as follows :

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