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EVANGELISM AMONG STUDENTS2o;)consists in the deep veneration the students retain for the,personality of Confucius, in view of which it should beeasier to appeal to.. their loyalty to Jesus Christ as the outstanding personality. The Chinese mind is eminentlypractical yet the Chinese student is in a sense philosophical,lie is not given to meditative and speculative considerationof abstract truth as art 1 the students of India, yet he isstrongly influenced by the reasoned appeal to the intellectand the conscience. The movement has shown the power ofa theme carefully designed to meet the needs and temptations,the thoughts and aspirations of the young men. There isneed of an apologetic suited to the present attitude ofChinese thought and life. The study of the situation inrelation to the Chinese mind and attitude adds to the conviction that the present is the psychological moment in Chinato reach the student classes.AnEffect aeon the important result of the evangelisticChurch movement has been its educative effect ujxmthe Cmiistian-Llkiu^ih_stiniulating and arousing the ( Christian forces to the new opportunity, promotinga study of the best evangelistic methods, and formulatingthe Church s policy in regard to a forward evangelisticmovement. The past five years and especially the last twohave aroused the Church to its new opportunity, and also tosome extent to a sense of its unpreparedness and theinadequacy of. its. leadership. The movement has shownthe vital"] inportance of making thorough preparation andproviding for an adequate ^conservation,.of results. Wherepast experience has been drawn upon sufficiently andmethods likely to insure success have been followed theresults have been most gratifying. The students haveturned definitely away from their past associations andhave become loyal and earnest members of the Christiancommunity. On the other hand the movement has shownthat dissipation and loss inevitably result if the first resultsof the meetings are not vigorously followed up by providinga congenial home and adequate forms of service for theenquirers.A missionary leader in China emphasizing this pointreferred to a conversation he had with Colonel Hadley in

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