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224 EVANGELISMeffective evangelistic work. Too many of us are not freeenough to do as much as wo ought. To this the onlysolution is more men to lift the burdens of organization anddetail.^e ^6e ^ ^10 neec^ ^ Better educated menChenchowfor the ministry, more good Christian books,and a better knowledge of the point of contact. Schools forthe training of missionaries should make much of this. Lotsof men haA T e a fair knowledge of the language who are sadlylacking in knowledge as to how to "reach" the people.Above all else is the need of a deeper consecration on thepart of the missionaries. A truer understanding of ourown religion, and a more faithful practice of its preceptswould be its best apologetic.^The city churches, especially those in verylarge cities like Canton, Sanui, Taileung,and others, should be institutional in kind. Work inSunday school should receive special attention. Weeklymeetings for the discussion of questions bearing on spiritual,educational, and intellectual advancement should be held,and the best of lecturers secured for instruction in matterspertaining to sanitation, hygiene, and the best methods ofpromoting economy and efficiency in all departments ofwork and service.The city church should be a centre of social life to themembers, and also an attraction to non-members, by itscleanline-s, and its supply of interesting books and tracts,and chiefly by the tact, earnestness, and social qualities ofthe preacher in charge.One or more such churches shonid be opened everyyear and the outlay met by the board in those great centreswhere converts are very few, and unable to meet the cost oferection. Such churches would be vastly influential inattracting the best class of hearers, and would speedilybecome self-supporting. The day is past when any oldbuilding will answer for school or chapel, and we mustrecognize changed conditions, and be alert to maintain ahigh standard in all educational, evangelistic and medicalwork. Adequate salaries must be paid to secure the verybest workers in all departments, and by so doing we shall

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