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EVANGELISM IN THE COUNTRY DISTRICTS 219the task. At the same time, necessity for local evangelismin their immediate vicinity must be impressed upon them., , Chapels are open L all davrfor the eutertain-Chenchow , .,.r .ment and instruction or visitors. A regularpreaching service is conducted every evening. A regularcourse of sermons is arranged. The text is advertised on aposter at the chapel door with a general invitation to all topresent. Once a month or so we give, in place of thesermon, a popular lecture on science or other subject ofcommon interest. A stereopticon is occasionally used, butit is almost too popular for the size of our building.A. certain amount of itineration has been done by ourdoctors and many of the patients in the hospital are fromthe country. This has helped to break down prejudice andis a factor not to be neglected in country work. The clinicis held in the chapel and the gospel is always preached tothose who attend. Many of our preachers have a few simpleremedies and can be of help where there is no medicalattendant available. When done in the right spirit and notfor gain this is a means of gaining the friendship of numbersof people. The danger to be avoided is that the preachershould become a cjuack, who practices for what there is in itfor himself. So far we have had little or no trouble in thisway.~ In addition to preachers and helpers em-Canton i-ii ...ployed by presbytery at out-stations andother centres, there should be a body of able men, sent outand supported by presbytery, whose special work should bethe visitation of all chapels to carry on work in villages,assisted by the preachers at the different chapels. Specialservices should be held at the chapels by these men, andefforts made to induce all Christians to engage in personalwork.Two of our ablest men are employed to visit everychapel at least once, and hold special services for the purpose, not only of stimulating all members, but to reachlarge numbers at the special meetings and by visits with theregular preacher to villages in the vicinity of the market

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