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216 EVANGELISMlargely supported by missions, should either be closed, orstrong guarantees be given by the church-members thatevery effort will be made to increase the contributions, andbecome self-supporting within a very limited period ofyearsṪhe time has fully come when all evangelistic workshould be under the careful scrutiny and responsibility ofthe presbytery. The employment and dismissal of preachers(except those in self-supporting churches), Bible women,and itinerant evangelists should be in the power of thepresbytery. Only by exercising power can the ChineseChristians learn how to use power. Make them responsiblefor the use of funds and they will not employ incompetentwhen they contribute tht larger part ofworkers, especiallythe funds. The missionary must be in closest touch andsympathy with the work, and sbould have a share in theresponsibility, but the deciding power should rest with theChinese members of presbytery, who will be in the largemajority. Foreign funds should be placed at the disposalof presbytery 011 carefully stipulated conditions, whichshould have the approval of presbytery. Funds suppliedby the mission towards established work should steadilydecrease, and the money so released should be applied tonew work, also under the care of the presbytery.Only in large cities, with few or no converts, shouldchurches be built with foreign funds. Such churchesshould be equipped in a manner to attract the best classes,and should be centres of social as well as of evangelistic andeducational activities.All schools should be paid for by the Chinese. Givena large body of genuine converts, and schools will follow,paid for by the Christians. We must concentrate onmaking converts. Any exception should be made onlyafter most careful consultation with presbytery, and forvery sufficient reasons. Converts should be taught plainlythat they are responsible for instruction given to theirchildren and cannot expect foreign funds to be used forthat purpose, except under extraordinary circumstances.Wuchow^ U1>iruss i nary society, with foreignfunds, provides in the beginning of each

EVANGELISM IN THE COUNTRY DISTRICTS 217central station the money for the support of Chineseworkers, including preacher, school teachers of boys andgirls primary schools, Bible women, etc,, but expects theChinese Church to at once commence to assume the financialresponsibility and thus relieve the foreign missionarysociety as soon as possible. We are gratified to feel thatsubstantial progress is being made along the lines of selfsupportin all of our stations. We ordain native pastorsonly when they are fully supported by the local church.As a rule, we do not approve of engaging with foreignmoney Chinese workers for country out-stations, unless suchbe a direct evangelistic agency.Thus far the aggressive work of opening new outstationsfrom our main centres has been undertaken byforeign money. The one exception to this is our Wuchowchurch, which has been self-supporting, in the sense that theyprovide the salaries of four or five Chinese workers andall expenses connected with the church and out-station,for the past five or six years. This out-station was begunand has been continued from its commencement withChinese money. We, however, encourage our Chinesechurches to be self-supporting in their main station firstbefore attempting any advance work in connection withopening new out-stations.Foreign funds are used for the salary oftwo evangelists. The city church pays the rentof out-stations, oil for lighting, and other sundry expenses.Last year the church bought a stereopticon for countryevangelistic effort, also tracts, etc.In 1914 ttie District Church CouncilTsangchowdecided that in the future no preacher mightbe regarded as the pastor of any church, unless that churchprovided a portion or the whole of his salary. The majorityof the staff, hitherto classed as resident preachers, were thustransformed into travelling evangelists, who moved fromchurch to church, encouraging the local Christians, leadingthem out in preaching bands, and after a limited stayproceeding to the next group in the district. With twoexceptions, in Tsangchow and Chouchia, where pastorshave been supported wholly for six months by the localA 27

216 EVANGELISMlargely supported by missions, should either be closed, orstrong guarantees be given by the church-members thatevery effort will be made to increase the contributions, andbecome self-supporting within a very limited period ofyearsṪhe time has fully come when all evangelistic workshould be under the careful scrutiny and responsibility ofthe presbytery. The employment and dismissal of preachers(except those in self-supporting churches), Bible women,and itinerant evangelists should be in the power of thepresbytery. Only by exercising power can the ChineseChristians learn how to use power. Make them responsiblefor the use of funds and they will not employ incompetentwhen they contribute tht larger part ofworkers, especiallythe funds. The missionary must be in closest touch andsympathy with the work, and sbould have a share in theresponsibility, but the deciding power should rest with theChinese members of presbytery, who will be in the largemajority. Foreign funds should be placed at the disposalof presbytery 011 carefully stipulated conditions, whichshould have the approval of presbytery. Funds suppliedby the mission towards established work should steadilydecrease, and the money so released should be applied tonew work, also under the care of the presbytery.Only in large cities, with few or no converts, shouldchurches be built with foreign funds. Such churchesshould be equipped in a manner to attract the best classes,and should be centres of social as well as of evangelistic andeducational activities.All schools should be paid for by the Chinese. Givena large body of genuine converts, and schools will follow,paid for by the Christians. We must concentrate onmaking converts. Any exception should be made onlyafter most careful consultation with presbytery, and forvery sufficient reasons. Converts should be taught plainlythat they are responsible for instruction given to theirchildren and cannot expect foreign funds to be used forthat purpose, except under extraordinary circumstances.Wuchow^ U1>iruss i nary society, with foreignfunds, provides in the beginning of each

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