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Our212 EVANGELISMelders arid deacons are elected, church organization iseffected, and the membership is thus put under the directcare of a local session, the foreign evangelist still acting aspastor until they can have their own called and ordainedChinese pastor. (Our policy is not to ordain until thechurch or group of churches calling a man assumes twothirdsof the salary promised, and agrees to assume thewhole within a definite period. ) We are exceedingly carefulto instruct and warn as to the choice of elders and deacons,and are careful as to \vhom we consent to heJp ordain.Once a year a workers conference is held. This is apurely Chinese organization and is under their direction,but the foreign evangelists are members and all worktogether in perfect harmony. In one section of the field,there is a meeting twice a year of representatives of thenearby evangelistic societies for conference and Bible study.This is also under control of the Chinese and is of greathelp.In some cases we bring in country school teachers attheir or our own expense, and give them special instructionfor a month or six weeks at a time. This is very difficultto work in this poverty-stricken field without hurt to selfsupport.^ * sTehchow hoped that each county will call aman to the general pastorate of the countywith his centre in the haien city. The supervision of thevillage churches will then come under his care primarily,while the mission force will be able to devote themselves tomore general evangelism.<r evangelists arc all, with oneL.neiicnow -. 1exception,1 i i I\T < ilocally trained men. Most ot them have onlya moderate education in Chinese subjects, but it has beenfound possible to make them fairly proficient in theirknowledge of the Bible and most of them are goodpreachers. They all have three months each year for fiveyear in the Hengchowfu Bible School, followed in theirfields by a prescribed course of reading. All are itinerantevangelists with the exception of the man in Cheuchow,who is occupied with a variety of duties. Not all of themitinerate as much as could be desired but this is the ideal

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