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,Area,206 EVANGELISMf. The FieldsAreaHwai uan4,200 square miles, which is visitedmore or less frequently; with a further areato the cast, which is not visited by other missions, andwhich the mission issupposed to visit, although unable atany time to go there. There are from three to five millioninhabitants, and seven hsien. and chow cities.three hsien.sPopulation, nearly orabout two million, including cities.T* h 1. Area, eight hsien. Population, about twomillion.-,. Area, about 6,000 square miles, theChenchowgreater, , I.,part being mountainous with poor roads, tewwaterways, and bad inns; the mission is actually workingin seven counties. Population, estimated at about one million and a half ; generally, the people are very poor, depending, as a rule, on agriculture.Area, the city of Canton, and three south--Canton 7 L-< ^r iw estern r hsien, Sanmng, Yanping andJloiping. Population in these three districts is not farfrom two millions.Area, Kwangsi province, but one-half ofw.the province is still unreached. Populationof the province, according to the Minehengpu Census, is6,500,000. The population surrounding most of our mainstations compared with the country, for instance, of Kwangtungprovince, is considerably less but inasmuch as the;people are scattered, and often living in villages among themountains, this makes access to them the more difficult.~ , r f Area, live hsien. Population, under oneJ. cllli tt 1 1 *Tsangchowmillion.Area, nine hsien.2. OccupationThere is at present one station at H \\aiyuan,and a new station is planned for atShowchow, both with foreign residents. It is the purposeto have a strong out-station in the charge of resident Chinesein each of the seven cities, but the beginning of such work

EVANGELISM IN THE COUNTRY DISTRICTS 207has been inaugurated in only two of them. There are nowin this region, two foreign evangelists, two foreign ladiesallocated to evangelistic work, one Chinese pastor, nineChinese evangelists, two Bible women, and 300 Christians,less than fifty of whom are in the city of Hwaiyuan.Twog . Iforeign missionary evangelists dividethe whole field, and each supervises his ownsection. There are as yet no ordained Chinese pastors,but several licentiates. There are fifteen paid evangelisticworkers, five Bible women, and 542 communicants in thewhole field, of whom about 180 are in Sutsien city. Anevangelist is stationed at each of the more important outstations,having in connection with it pastoral care oiseveral contiguous out-stations. There is one generalitinerant evangelist for the whole field, who goes about witha tent seating more than a hundred people. (See section6, page 218.)^ wo orc^ a ^ne^Tehchowforeign missionaries, oneordained pastor ;other Christian workers,thirteen men, eleven women, 980 baptized Christians. Ourhope and plan is to occupy each hsieii city with an adequateplant, that is, chapel or church, rooms for primary boysand girls schools, reading rooms, station class rooms, etc.The general idea is that the hsicn city shall be the centre ofall work for a county. In the country villages we are trying to put the emphasis on the school as the centre, the ideabeing that we shall gradually be able to provide Christianteachers of sufficient training to perform the functions ot ateacher-pastor, and so help solve the vexing question ofsupport. The man, or man, in the hsien centre, will havegeneral charge of the work for the country, and will beexpected to be itinerating among the villages as much astime will allow. If there is one man in a centre, it is verydifficult for him to get sufficiently free to do much of thiswork. There should be two men, with one of them outmost of the time.ChenchowThere are no ordained Chinese ministers inthe field. There are thirteen evangelists.two colporteurs, one Bible women, 600 baptized members andabout 200 catechumens. When the station was opened we

EVANGELISM IN THE COUNTRY DISTRICTS 207has been inaugurated in only two of them. There are nowin this region, two foreign evangelists, two foreign ladiesallocated to evangelistic work, one Chinese pastor, nineChinese evangelists, two Bible women, and 300 Christians,less than fifty of whom are in the city of Hwaiyuan.Twog . Iforeign missionary evangelists dividethe whole field, and each supervises his ownsection. There are as yet no ordained Chinese pastors,but several licentiates. There are fifteen paid evangelisticworkers, five Bible women, and 542 communicants in thewhole field, of whom about 180 are in Sutsien city. Anevangelist is stationed at each of the more important outstations,having in connection with it pastoral care oiseveral contiguous out-stations. There is one generalitinerant evangelist for the whole field, who goes about witha tent seating more than a hundred people. (See section6, page 218.)^ wo orc^ a ^ne^Tehchowforeign missionaries, oneordained pastor ;other Christian workers,thirteen men, eleven women, 980 baptized Christians. Ourhope and plan is to occupy each hsieii city with an adequateplant, that is, chapel or church, rooms for primary boysand girls schools, reading rooms, station class rooms, etc.The general idea is that the hsicn city shall be the centre ofall work for a county. In the country villages we are trying to put the emphasis on the school as the centre, the ideabeing that we shall gradually be able to provide Christianteachers of sufficient training to perform the functions ot ateacher-pastor, and so help solve the vexing question ofsupport. The man, or man, in the hsien centre, will havegeneral charge of the work for the country, and will beexpected to be itinerating among the villages as much astime will allow. If there is one man in a centre, it is verydifficult for him to get sufficiently free to do much of thiswork. There should be two men, with one of them outmost of the time.ChenchowThere are no ordained Chinese ministers inthe field. There are thirteen evangelists.two colporteurs, one Bible women, 600 baptized members andabout 200 catechumens. When the station was opened we

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