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<,"204 EVANGELISMwith a proposition something; like this : The outgo ofrental annually is a great waste. You should stop it. Youcould own this building and make it your own churchhome. Here is what we will do. If you will raise one-halfthe sum necessary for the purchase of this building, we willlend you the other half without interest to be repaid by youin annual instalments of approximately the rental. x\syourepay, the money will be again loaned to other groups. Youwill be helping them as you have been helped; you will bedoing unto others as you yourselves have been done by."The use of some money without exorbitant interest wasirresistible; herein lay the bait. We reckoned that on anaverage one chapel each year would be bought. Much toour surprise the very first year saw four chapels bought.Our capital was swamped; we could not proceed. Wesecured more capital and continued to buy. To summarize :to the present time this fund has been the direct or indirectmeans of purchasing in these two fields, fourteen differentbuildings. The original capital has gone out and come backthree times over and is now on its fourth round. In otherwords one dollar has already done the work of three, and isbeginning to do the work of the fourth dollar. But betterstill was the incitement to self-help. Had we at the outsetasked any one of those groups to pay the rent of the building it would have had a score of reasons why such aproposition could not be considered. From one way ofgiving they were led on to others until at the end of fiveyears from the beginning of the loan fund those originalnine chapels were not only repaying their loans, but werebearing all of the current expenses in addition ; everythingexcept the preacher s salary.In all that we have said, we have aimed tooummary,, T i . ishow you how the missionary goes about histask ;how when confronted by a problem he seeks for itsome solution; how, given a certain set of conditions, hesimply attacks his problem in as common-sense, matter-offacta way as possible. After that it is a matter of patience,perseverance and prayer. To show the out- working of thisprogramme, let us sum up the results of the past five years.Five years ago, there were in this field, two trained Chinese

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