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"<jEVANGELISM IN THE COUNTRY DISTRICTS 201A record of this village visitation was madeRecords andin the f nowi .ng way Upon a wall of thecentral station clmrch ;we made an outlinemap of the entire field. About each chapel of the field, asmarked on the map, we drew concentric circles, representingcertain distances. Each of our preachers, colporteurs, Bible\vomen and school teachers, submits a monthly report sheetshowing his daily work. From these reports the names oftowns or villages were inserted in the circles on the map,showing the work done by each. Thus at our annual workers training conference, which last year had one hundredand eighty -five in attendance for two weeks, the workers ofthe field may see graphically exhibited the villages, townsand cities which have had a hearing of the gospel; or, moreto the point, may have before thorn the great extent ofcountry not yet covered by the gospel.Another( t problem soon confronted us. Thedeacons andDeacon? twenty groups had as manyelders, but they were, for the most part,untrained men. We sought to enable them to rise a bitabove their fellow-members. We have a four -year termdiaconate and eldership. At our biennial election eachdeacon-elect was required to pledge himself to spend at leastthree days at the central station in Bible study to masterthe Westminister Shorter Catechism, and the PresbyterianBook of Church Government and Discipline. The localcongregation reasoned that if a man was unwilling to prepare himself for the office, he was not worthy of theand would therefore proceed to elect some one elseoffice,in hisstead.Our next slogan was : Find men first,Locating ^ places." :An erroneous idea had--IPgrown/^n -Other .Chapels AIup m the minds of our Chinese friends, thatit was impossible to meet for worship in any place otherthan a formally opened chapel ; opened in most cases atmission expense. We sought to couvince them that fourwalls and a roof were not essential to the preaching of thegospel, or the assembling of themselves for worship. Theywere urged to meet in their own homes, in shops, or, as inseveral cases, -even in temples. Subsequently when a groupA 25

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