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196 EVANGELISMparts of three magistracies. We do not pass through theterritory of any other mission in order to reach any of ourchapels. It is easily accessible by rail or passage boat. Ifit belonged to one of the older missions it would be considered a field for one foreign worker with his headquarters in Canton and probably with work there as well.We are purposing to have a foreign staff of fifteen, exclusiveof married women, eight of these for evangelistic work inthis field.Our main purpose in placing such a large foreign staffin the field is not that these missionaries may do widespreadevangelistic work. It is that their influence may be reallyfelt by the Chinese workers and communicated through themto the people. We believe we have accomplished, in spite ofthe difficult nature of the field, more by this intensivemethod of working than if we had spread ourselves outover different parts of Kwangtung province.Our co-operation is closer, our plans are better definedand continuity is more certain. There is of course thequestion whether such a large foreign staff will not militateagainst the growth of independence in the Chinese Church.We recognize the danger.3. Educational work as an integral part of evangelism.Our school work has met with grave obstacles in thesuspicion and superstition as well as the poverty of thepeople, and also the difficulty of securing efficient teachers.But we have seen enough to convince us that the money weput into work for the young is the best investment we make.For myself I have often wondered whether a strongerindigenous church would not be more likely to grow uparound a village mission school than around a marketchapel.THE PLAN OF THE KOCHOW STATION OF THEAMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN MISSION, KWANGTUNGII.Charles E.PattonGiven a field comprising six districts orA b e?u c ?\ counties, having six walled citiesandrangingits colution .p r, n , ^ ,., ,-,from twenty thousand to htty thousand

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