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CHAPTERXIIIEVANGELISM IN COUNTRY DISTRICTSThe purpose of the YEAR BOOK is to record experience,not to advocate theories. The purpose of the articles thatfollow in this chapter is to exhibit some of the plans thatare being used in different parts of China to bring thegospel to a district for which a mission has accepted responsibility. These articles are not full and adequate des^riptionsof the evangelistic work that is being done in thesevarious districts, but they give glimpses of how some of thework is actually undertaken. The articles do not includeall the plans that are successfully employed in evangelisticwork in China to-day, but they are written by men inwidely separated provinces, and they describe a sufficientvariety of plans to be suggestive to workers in all parts ofthe country.I. THE PLAN OF THE MISSION OF THE PRESBYTERIANCHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND, IN KWANGTUNGGeorge H. MacNeurTlieTh Field PP ulation is estimated at 800,000, allin villages and market towns, and mainly ofthe farming class. Wealth is in the hands of those whohave made money outside their own district. In area, thefield consists of a plain stretching for about fifty milesto the north of Canton city, and about twenty miles inbreadth. It is intersected by two waterways, and by theCanton-Hankow^ railway.There are three ordainedomissionaries, noordained Chinese pastors, twelve evangelistspaid by the Mission, eight Bible-women paid by the Mission,and 320 baptized adult Christians. The Mission has noevangelistic work in Canton city, though the impossibilityof securing residence in the country forced us during the

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