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1186 EVANGELISMWe most earnestly commend the Forward Movementas embodying the essential principles of action needed now.*We urge personal evangelism, asense of privilege andpersonal responsibility upon the part of our lay membersfor a witnessingWe Church.urge special revival campaigns, with or without theco-operation of other churches, times for deepening conviction and registering decisions.We urge a more systematic and intelligent culturein knowledge of the Scriptures as the root of Christianconsciousness.We urge emphasis upon the "transformed life,becoming a "new creation," and "fruitsupon meet forrepentance."We urge higher ideals of Christian stewardship, bothas means of grace, and as means of promoting the work ofthe Church.We urge vast, but systematic, distribution of theScriptures, and other forms of Christian literature, andthat every one of our pastors constantly practice this servicealso.We urge the undivided and unfaltering influence ofour Church promotingall temperance reforms, and supporting the authorities of the state for the suppression anderadication of all social and economic vices.We urge that wherever possible special attention begiven to the soldiers, thousands of men in the military campsotherwise neglected; and to prisoners in jails, to bring morehumane treatment, and regenerative power and new life tothese human wrecks.*The programme adopted at the Eastern Asia Central Conference,is as follows: "To meet the present crisis we, as a Central Conferenceof Eastern Asia, assembled from all parts of the field, make pledge toplace ourselves in God s hands for fulfilling the following programmeduring the quadrennium. For China we will annually carry intoevery circuit an aggressive compaign for intelligent decisions forChrist, setting as a goal for the four-year period the doubling of ourmembership and the trebling of the number in our Sunday school andBible study classes, enrolling 50,000 in the systematic study of the Bible.To provide equipment imperatively needed we will secure at least$1,000,000 Gold."

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