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184 EVANGELISMin every part of tlie country where men have shown thatthey have a vital message answering to China s need to-day;it is not one class, but all classes, students, gentry, merchants, farmers, soldiers, that are eager to hear good teaching; it is not one man, but both Chinese and foreignevangelists in increasing number, who are successfullybringing the gospel to these eager people; it is an opportunity limited not by forces or influences outside the Churchbut apparently limited only by the life and activity of theChurch itself.The Committee is meeting at a time of great politicalunrest and uncertainty. These circumstances may in manyplaces forbid large public meetings, they may determine themethods of evangelistic work, but they do not destroy theopportunity. Testimony is now coming in from centresthat are most disturbed showing that the evangelisticopportunities there are greater than ever. Men s minds aresobered, and in great earnestness they are seeking for lightand truth that may help them in this day of great crisis.Commercially, politically, educationally, China is changingwith extremely great rapidity. What of her religion ? Thetimes appeal with great urgency to the Church of Christ tobring to China that which alone can satisfy the deepestlongings of the people the knowledge of God and of theChrist, who reveals the Father in His infinite glory and love.China is ready. The Church in China is awakening,aroused to her opportunity, not fully prepared, but willingto go forward. Missions are sympathetic but handicappedby the lack of suitable evangelistic workers. The unprecedented, opportunity demands a corresponding extraordinaryresponse on the part of the Christian Church and the missionary movement. Vastly increased resources, especiallyof duly qualified men and women, and also large financialresources, which can make the best use of the men andwomen who are available or can be trained for this work,should be given to China without stint and at the earliestpossible moment. Prayer in the spirit of sacrifice, andgreat faith that cannot be discouraged, will give to theChurch that power which will win China to Christ.

RESOLUTIONS AND FINDINGS 185II.REPORT ON EVANGELISMAdopted by the East Asia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,Nanking, November, J9J5We are profoundly grateful that with the blessing ofGod upon us we have added 46 % to our membership in allChina during the past quadrenriium, and that we now haveabout 28,000 members and 25,000 probationers in ourfellowship. But these four years have brought us no reliefas to the utter and pitiable inadequacy of our evangelisticforces.The population of East Asia isnearly one-third of thehuman family. It occupies one- third of the habitableglobe, and presumably has, at least latent, one-third of thematerial wealth of the globe. With the rapid spread ofmaterialistic civilization, with commercialism and militarism in charge of these vast forces, Christianity faces themost tremendous, the determining task of the ages. Thework of our institutions, schools, etc., while so necessary forthe more intensive cultivation of the few, is altogether tooslow a process for the present needs of the present generation, and to meet the political, social, and economicconditions now facing us. The development of a materialistic Far Fast imperils the Christian civilization. Forharmonizing the nations of the Far East among themselves,and for harmonizing the East and the West, there is noother single agency or force comparable to the rapidspread of Christian conceptions and gospel ideals througha great increase in direct evangelism of the masses and allclasses. We pray that the Church in the homeland maysee and feel this situation, and may during the comingquadrennium increase at least fourfold the number of missionaries engaged in direct evangelistic work throughoutthis area.Even so, we do not suppose that the evangelization ofthese nations is to be done in any large measure byforeigners; hence we need to cultivate most assiduously allindigenous resources of men, means, and methods.A 23

RESOLUTIONS AND FINDINGS 185II.REPORT ON EVANGELISMAdopted by the East Asia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,Nanking, November, J9J5We are profoundly grateful that with the blessing ofGod upon us we have added 46 % to our membership in allChina during the past quadrenriium, and that we now haveabout 28,000 members and 25,000 probationers in ourfellowship. But these four years have brought us no reliefas to the utter and pitiable inadequacy of our evangelisticforces.The population of East Asia isnearly one-third of thehuman family. It occupies one- third of the habitableglobe, and presumably has, at least latent, one-third of thematerial wealth of the globe. With the rapid spread ofmaterialistic civilization, with commercialism and militarism in charge of these vast forces, Christianity faces themost tremendous, the determining task of the ages. Thework of our institutions, schools, etc., while so necessary forthe more intensive cultivation of the few, is altogether tooslow a process for the present needs of the present generation, and to meet the political, social, and economicconditions now facing us. The development of a materialistic Far Fast imperils the Christian civilization. Forharmonizing the nations of the Far East among themselves,and for harmonizing the East and the West, there is noother single agency or force comparable to the rapidspread of Christian conceptions and gospel ideals througha great increase in direct evangelism of the masses and allclasses. We pray that the Church in the homeland maysee and feel this situation, and may during the comingquadrennium increase at least fourfold the number of missionaries engaged in direct evangelistic work throughoutthis area.Even so, we do not suppose that the evangelization ofthese nations is to be done in any large measure byforeigners; hence we need to cultivate most assiduously allindigenous resources of men, means, and methods.A 23

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