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"182 EVANGELISMstatement made last year calling attention to the importance of keeping in mind that the aim of our work should beto reach the.family and not merely the individual and that,therefore, co-ordination and inter-relation of work for menand women should receive careful consideration." If thereis a union evangelistic committee in the city, it is importantthat its work should include work among women so that theeffort may be made to get Christian women to face, in asystematic way, the task of reaching the women of the citywith the evangelistic message.The committee recommends to the ChinaProgramme of Continuation Committee the adoption of thev^ommtuee ,, ,, , p * , . ,cWorkfollow 11 g programme of work for the SpecialCommittee on a Forward Evangelistic Movement for the :ensuing yeara. To endeavour to promote earnest, persistent intercession in behalf of evangelistic, work, and to this end toco-operate with the Committee on the Promotion of Intercession, and to urge that intercession be a working part ofevery evangelistic effort.b. To continue the study of the lessons to be gatheredfrom the most fruitful evangelistic efforts throughout China,and also in other countries, especially India and Japan, andto make kno\\n helpful suggestions, based upon such experience, to the Christian forces in China by means of theChristian periodicals in both Chinese and English.c. To have members of: this committee, so far aspossible, respond to invitations to visit synods, conferences,conventions, and other meetings in order to keep before theChurch the urgency of the existing opportunities forevangelistic work which seem to be limited only by thevigour of the spiritual life and the preparedness of theworking forces of the Church.d. To continue to emphasize in every possible way theintensive and preparatory work in the churches, especiallyin the training of Christian workers for personal evangelismand for leadership of Bible classes.e. To give such assistance as is within this committee spower in the carrying on of special evangelistic work insuch cities and provinces as desire this assistance, and as

RESOLUTIONS AND FINDINGS 183meet the conditions, which were speciiied in the report oflast. year, and which this committee believes to be necessaryfor the success of such movements. It seems especiallydesirable that the committee should endeavour to assist, sofar as possible, the Local arid Provincial Committees incarrying forward the special evangelistic movements alreadybegun in various cities and provinces, so that the follow-upwork may be persistently continued, and that the contactalready made with government schools and other specialclasses may be maintained and drawn closer by cultivatingtheir friendship and confidence.f. To assist in making plans for a special week ofevangelism in which every member of the churches of Chinamay take part and with a view to reach all classes of thepeople.It is suggested that the week after the first Sunday ofthe Chinese year (old style) (i.e., January 28th-February4th, 1917) be observed for this purpose wherever possiblewith the understanding that with reference to the time thereis liberty of choice for all.In making the above plans the aim should be to makethis week the climax of a whole year s preparation and thebeginning of another year s persistent follow-up. Theobjective should be to enlist every church-member in someform of direct evangelistic work without necessarily holdiugpublic meetings.g. To discover and make known what experience showsto be the most suitable literature for evangelistic purposesthat is already available; to take steps to secure the preparation of other books that are urgently needed; to helpin making kuown the most successful methods in gettingsuch books circulated and read, and to make a larger use ofChristian periodical literature, both in English aiul Chinese,in accomplishing the work to aid in which is the reason forthe existence of the committee.-^ ls m ^1CConclusions pi rit ^ prayer and consecration that this report should close. TheChurch of Christ faces a great open and possibly passingopportunity. The past few years have demonstrated thatthis opportunity is not confined to the great cities but exists

RESOLUTIONS AND FINDINGS 183meet the conditions, which were speciiied in the report oflast. year, and which this committee believes to be necessaryfor the success of such movements. It seems especiallydesirable that the committee should endeavour to assist, sofar as possible, the Local arid Provincial Committees incarrying forward the special evangelistic movements alreadybegun in various cities and provinces, so that the follow-upwork may be persistently continued, and that the contactalready made with government schools and other specialclasses may be maintained and drawn closer by cultivatingtheir friendship and confidence.f. To assist in making plans for a special week ofevangelism in which every member of the churches of Chinamay take part and with a view to reach all classes of thepeople.It is suggested that the week after the first Sunday ofthe Chinese year (old style) (i.e., January 28th-February4th, 1917) be observed for this purpose wherever possiblewith the understanding that with reference to the time thereis liberty of choice for all.In making the above plans the aim should be to makethis week the climax of a whole year s preparation and thebeginning of another year s persistent follow-up. Theobjective should be to enlist every church-member in someform of direct evangelistic work without necessarily holdiugpublic meetings.g. To discover and make known what experience showsto be the most suitable literature for evangelistic purposesthat is already available; to take steps to secure the preparation of other books that are urgently needed; to helpin making kuown the most successful methods in gettingsuch books circulated and read, and to make a larger use ofChristian periodical literature, both in English aiul Chinese,in accomplishing the work to aid in which is the reason forthe existence of the committee.-^ ls m ^1CConclusions pi rit ^ prayer and consecration that this report should close. TheChurch of Christ faces a great open and possibly passingopportunity. The past few years have demonstrated thatthis opportunity is not confined to the great cities but exists

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