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RESOLUTIONS AND FINDINGS 181work. These circumstances have developed gradually bythe growth of the missionary enterprise, and it should benecessary only to call the attention of mission councils andboards to the facts as they are in their own centres to leadthem at once to set aside men and women in much largernumbers who can give their whole time and energy to directevangelistic work in the cities of China at this time ofextraordinarily large opportunity. The continuance ofclose relationships between financially self-supportingchurches and missionaries engaged in direct evangelisticwork is also a subject that seems to call for very seriousconsideration.The experience which the committee hasITT i i JT p nhad leads it to make the following suggestions :1. A supreme effort should be made to discover menand women, both Chinese workers and foreign missionaries,with special evangelistic gifts and experience. Conferencesfor evangelistic workers in different parts of the countrywould be helpful in the cultivation of such gifts and in theexchange of successful experience. It also seems desirablethat there should be better facilities by which churches thatare planning evangelistic meetings may secure informationconcerning available workers. Where desired, this committee should endeavour to serve as such an agency.2. There appears to be a need to help and encouragenew missionaries, who are or will be assigned to undertakedirect evangelistic work, and it is suggested that specialclasses at summer resorts and language schools should bearranged, to discuss fruitful methods of work, and thebest presentation of the gospel. It is also suggested thathome boards should both look for men and women ofspecial evangelistic gifts and also provide facilities for thistraining in the home lands with a view to doing the specialwork in China.The committee wishes again to point outthat all the above sections of this report referequally to the work among women and to thework among men. The disparity in the number of men andwomen in the Church leads the committee to re-ernphasize its

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