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180 EVANGELISMalso found that they need executive secretaries, who can givetheir whole time to the study, co-ordination, arid continuousprosecution of evangelistic work in the city.2. The Ministry, There seems to be reason to ask thatthe theological colleges and Bible schools should give moreattention to this practical difficulty of carrying forwardevangelistic work with a Church lacking in missionaryspirit and in qualified leadership, and should provide intheir regular curricula for instruction, practical as well astheoretical, along the lines of personal work and otherevangelistic methods. For the ministers and preachersalready at work in the churches, there seems to be need forsome provision that will give them such special training,and for retreats that will nurture their spiritual life. Insome cases, it has been found of great usefulness to appointa special worker, or an assistant pastor, specially trainedfor personal evangelism and Bible class leadership.3. Deepening of Spiritual Life. Great benefit may bederived from meetings for Christians, whose motive shouldbe the deepening of their prayer and spiritual life. Theymight take the form of Bible study classes, or of addresses,or of both. The results desired should be planned for,whether a call to service, or prayer, or an attack on someknown corporate failing. These results will be in directproportion to the care taken in preparatory work. A callto service should be prepared that the enthusiasm may findfitting expression.4. Work for Every Church-member. In several placesthere have been special efforts to find suitable work, thatwas practicable, for each individual church-member, makingall feel that each one lias a vital part in the evangelisticwork of the Church. It seems to the committee that thisshould be recommended for more general adoption by allchurches.5. Missionaries. A siudy of the missionary forces inthe larger cities would seem to show that those who are notengaged in educational, medical, and other institutions,have been almost altogether drawn into administrative work,and therefore there are very few who are able to give morethan a small fraction of their time to direct evangelistic

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