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178 EVANGELISMThe special evangelistic work in the largerBible Study cities during the past two years has beencharacterized by the effort to use Bible studyclasses as a means of deepening the interest awakened bythe larger meetings, and of leading men to personal faith inChrist. In reviewing these efforts, the committee finds thatin every centre there has been great difficulty in securingqualified leaders of such Bible classes. The experiencegained in many of these centres has revealed the followingmethods as being of large value in producing successfulclass leaders:1. Training Conferences. The conferences speciallyplanned for the training of leaders of adult Bible classeswhich have been held during the past year, have been veryhelpful. Such conferences should provide expert educational instruction and practical training in leading Bibleclasses, and should also give suggestions concerning thepromotion of personal work and other methods of fruitfulevangelistic work. All those appointed to attend theseconferences should be pledged in advance to undertake theleadership of Bible study classes in their home churchesupon their return. Before the delegates go to the conference, plans should be made for local conferences so thatthe larger training conference may be repeated in somemeasure in every place that luis sent delegates. Effortsshould be made to secure the attendance at these localconferences of all possible and probable leaders of Biblestudy groups, especially theological and other students.Experience has shown that there is much advantage inhaving two or more delegates from each centre appointedto attend the larger conference, so that they can be ofmutual help to each other in working out in their homechurches the lessons they have learned.2. Normal Classes. Experience also shows that, for thepermanent maintenance of successful Bible classes, it isessential that normal classes for the group leaders should beorganized in each centre, and should be continued throughout the year. Such classes can do much in helping theworkers to use better educational methods, but their value

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