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"170 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESchurch relationship, A secretary is also provided by theShanghai Association to give attention to the hundreds ofstudents going abroad annually. This bureau in 1915furnished information to 376 men who contemplated goingabroad, and assisted 136 students from seventeen provincesin such ways as securing passports, medical examinations,tickets, information concerning colleges, hints on travel,giving letters of introduction and in other practical ways.Many letters of appreciation are received constantly frommen who have been helped.The work for Chinese students in Tokyo has beencontinued with encouraging results. Two branches of theAssociation with student buildings were maintained inTokyo. In April, 1915, there were 3,000 Chinese studentsin Japan, ninety per cent of whom were in Tokyo. They areof a much higher average than formerly and are found ininstitutions of a higher grade. Probably no group ofChinese students in the world are more fiercely tempted andless safeguarded in their student days. As a class, theyoccupy more positions of importance in China than doreturned students from any other country. For thesereasons the bringing of these men under Christian influencewhile students is of the greatest importance. The Associationhas co-operated closely with the two Chinese churches inTokyo. During the year seventy students have beenbaptized in the two churches. The number of churchmembersamong Chinese students at the end of 1915 was110, or about four per cent of the whole student body.Work among Chinese students in America^as ^eenStudentsPromo ted during the year by theAbroadChinese Students Christian Association, andin Great Britain by the Chinese StudentsChristian Union. One hundred and thirty-six studentAssociations are carrying on work for the students in theschools and colleges of China; 133 of these Associationsreported in 1915 a total membership of 10,514-. 718 Bibleclasses were conducted with an enrollment of 7,561 students.

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