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158 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESreach the merchant class by means of the Friends International Institute. The work of this Institute is largely ofa social character, and has resulted in bringing about mostfriendly relations between the Chinese and foreigners, andaffords a splendid opportunity for the illustration of thepractical application of Christianity to the needs of thecity. The members of the Institute support some of ourmission schools, and take a considerable share in conductingan orphanage in Chungking.In Chengtu, church and school work ofvarious kinds has been carried 011 for nearlytwelve years with considerable success, Oneof its most encouraging sides is that several of the boys whohave been through our schools are becoming able andtrustworthy Christian workers, and while the churchmembership is not large, most of the members are engagedin some kind of Christian work.The mission has one-fourth share in the establishingand maintaining of the West China Union University.Two members of the mission give full time to universitywork, while others contribute part time, and some of thechurch members take an active share in the middle schoolrun by the University.These subjects have received considerableand Sdf thought during the year, and a plan has beenGovernment devised by which the responsibility previouslyborne by the missionaries is being shared bythe Chinese Church. The planis only in its experimentalstage, and while so far giving satisfaction, time mustprove its ultimate value.The subject was first taken up by the Annual Meetingof the Church. It appointed ten members as representativesto meet with the Committee of Missionaries (the controllingbody of the mission), to consider how best the Churchcould share the responsibility with the missionaries. It wasagreed that certain matters under evangelism and education should be considered by a joint body of Churchrepresentatives and the Committee of Missionaries, which inthe past had been decided by the latter body alone.

OTHER MISSIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS 159This proposal has received the sanction of the homeboard.This same principle is being applied more or less in allour stations. The church appoints an educational and anevangelistic committee, composed of Chinese and foreigners ;these committees control the work of their respectivedepartments in the station, subject to the church meeting,the missionaries, who were previously in sole charge of thework, sharing the responsibility of control and directionwith the other members of the appointed committees. Thecommittees prepare estimates for the future year s work,and find out how much the local church can contribute,and then apply to the mission for grants-in-aid of thework.The result so far has been the quickened interest of thechurch-members in the development and the sustaining ofboth evangelistic and school work. It is found thatmethods which may work well where there is an educatedand experienced membership do not necessarily succeedwhere the church is not so far advanced, therefore themission leaves much liberty for working out detailsaccording to the conditions of each district.Beyond sanctioning experiments along such lines asthese, the mission has not committed itself to any definitepolicy. The feeling is that the more the church reallyknows it has a true share in the direction and maintainingof the work the greater will be its interest and devotion.The most marked feature of the year*sW0rk has been theHeat thegreat willingness of theMessage people generally to listen to the Christianmessage.In the past years audiences were composed of sightseersand listeners, who were actuated largely by curiosity.During the past year or so the people come to hearbecause they find the missioDary has something to give themthat will help their country and themselves individually.Some have thought that the old street-preaching days wereover so far as the street halls were concerned, but witha brighter and more cheerful building, a more carefully

158 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESreach the merchant class by means of the Friends International Institute. The work of this Institute is largely ofa social character, and has resulted in bringing about mostfriendly relations between the Chinese and foreigners, andaffords a splendid opportunity for the illustration of thepractical application of Christianity to the needs of thecity. The members of the Institute support some of ourmission schools, and take a considerable share in conductingan orphanage in Chungking.In Chengtu, church and school work ofvarious kinds has been carried 011 for nearlytwelve years with considerable success, Oneof its most encouraging sides is that several of the boys whohave been through our schools are becoming able andtrustworthy Christian workers, and while the churchmembership is not large, most of the members are engagedin some kind of Christian work.The mission has one-fourth share in the establishingand maintaining of the West China Union University.Two members of the mission give full time to universitywork, while others contribute part time, and some of thechurch members take an active share in the middle schoolrun by the University.These subjects have received considerableand Sdf thought during the year, and a plan has beenGovernment devised by which the responsibility previouslyborne by the missionaries is being shared bythe Chinese Church. The planis only in its experimentalstage, and while so far giving satisfaction, time mustprove its ultimate value.The subject was first taken up by the Annual Meetingof the Church. It appointed ten members as representativesto meet with the Committee of Missionaries (the controllingbody of the mission), to consider how best the Churchcould share the responsibility with the missionaries. It wasagreed that certain matters under evangelism and education should be considered by a joint body of Churchrepresentatives and the Committee of Missionaries, which inthe past had been decided by the latter body alone.

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