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OTHER MISSIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS 155that it has been supplying the money entirely from Chineseof itssources, for all running expenses and the supportChinese pastor and three other workers. The total contribution of this church has averaged in the past few yearsabout Mex. $1,000 which means an average of about$5.00 per member per year. The total Chinese churchofferings for the three missions aggregate at Mex. $4,297.09,an average of $2.13 per member per year.The general policy followed out in the matter of selfsupporthas been to make it quite clear to the ChineseChurch that theirs must, be the responsibility of taking careof the support of the local native church. Beginning withthe incidental expenses of the church, such as lighting, rents,etc., it is expected that in regular stages, as the churchenlarges and developes, other financial burdens in thesupport of chapel-keeper, Chinese evangelist, Bible-woman,Chinese pastor, etc., will be assumed by them.In all, the Christian and .MissionaryAlliance in its tlll>ee fi^s in China has 58Responsibilitystations and out-stations with 2,014 churchmembers. During 1915, 288 adults were added to thechurch by baptism. Especially in the far western provinceof Kansu, and in the southern province of Kwangsi, ourmissions feel that they have fields for which they areparticularly responsible. Both of these provinces arevery much neglected, and in the providence of God, we havebeen privileged to be the pioneers in these districts, and theneglected millions of these provinces have been largely leftto our mission to be evangelized.The approximate value of Alliance property in CentralChina is Mex. $85,890 and in South China Mex. $127,650.Statistics from Western China are not fully to hand.A new feature of our work in China, whichhas developed during the past few years, isthat of the publication work.A small printing plant was organized in Wuchow somefour or five j^ears ago, and since then the printing andpublishing of literature, particularly along the Jines of Biblestudy for Christian workers, has developed considerably.In 1913 a quarterly periodical for Bible study, The Bible

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