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"OTHER MISSIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS 153experience having shown that where the pupils are made tofeel that Scriptural instruction is regarded as of vitalimportance conversions follow.The policy of the Mission is as far as possible to get theChristians to bear the expense of the education of theirchildren. Grants in aid are made from mission funds; butit is understood that these will gradually be reduced untilfull financial responsibility is assumed by the parents or theChurch.Medical work was maintained in nine outMedicalWork of the sixteen provinces occupied by theMission, there being in all eleven hospitalsunder the care of sixteen doctors. The aim is to have twomedical men at each hospital; but a shortage of doctorsmade this impossible in some cases.Extensive effort was put forth amongst the tribes ofsouth-west China. Fourteen workers, living at seven differentcentres in the provinces of Kweichow and Yunnan, devotedtheir time and strength to this work. It is estimated thatsomething like 100,000 of the tribes people have come underthe influence of the gospel.Last year witnessed more directWorkwork onforMoslems behalf of the Moslems of China than anyprevious one. Special literature for freedistribution amongst Mohammedans was sent out by Mr.F. H. Rhodes, who is set apart for this work, to missionariesin connection with some twenty-eight different societies,25,000 copies of the second edition of the Borden Memorialbooklet, Cruse of Precious "A Ointment, being distributedin the early part of the year, whilst other literaturespecially prepared for Moslems was widely circulated. Theerection of a large new hospital at Lane-how was begun andit ishoped will be completed this year, with a view toreaching the great Mohammedan population of Kansu.A review of the work of the China Inland Mission forthe year in which it celebrated its Jubilee would be incomplete without a note of praise to God for His manifoldmercies and for all the manifestations of His power andgrace vouchsafed continually. Not unto us, Lord, notunto us, but unto Thy name give glory.A 19

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