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"""What150 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESIlomm involving an even greater number of miles of travel,when two hundred and fifty- three women and girls signifiedtheir decision for Christ,At Yangchow in the province of Kiangsu a series ofgospel meetings for women was also held. These wereadvertised by large posters and small hand bills, as also bythe issue of tickets. The chapel was decorated for theoccasion. The following account of the mission from thepen of Miss Margaret King, will be of interest. Miss Kingwrites :"Every hit of the expense of the advertising and decoratingand we were lavish with both was met by the Chinese sisters; wewere not allowed to give at all, nor was there any need. I hadordered in great abundance, not knowing they would pay all, yetevery bill in connection with these special meetings was paid bythem.One or two outstanding characteristics of these meetings were:7rxi, the quirt and attention. No one Avent out, and as the doorswere shut when the meetings began, no one crme in. We thought,it best to exclude small children. This was difficult, but it paid.frecoiK/, the after-meeting. When the main address was over, aninvitation was given to all those who would remain and talk over thesubject to do so, and each day many stayed. This was where wewere able to do our best work. All through the audience, at regularintervals, were seated Christian women, who, as soon as theinvitation was given began to talk to those about them, and beforelong had little group meetings all over the chapel. 7 hird, the workof Miss dough s schoolgirls. They were most enthusiastic workers.Those who pray for and give to our Girls School I think would havebeen rewarded had they seen these girls, some of them quite young,holding their little groups with an earnest presentation of the gospel.They also led the singing, and with their young teachers took all theburden of the musical part of the meeting*. To hear one girl give afew moments talk on, and then sing, such hymns as Come to theSaviour,a Friend we have in Jesus, was a real inspiration.I wish I could tell you more about the meetings. One, perhapsthe best of all, was when four of our Christian women gave testimonyas to how they came to believe the Gospel message. We chose fourrepresentative women, all with a definite Christian experience. Onewas our Bible-woman, another, a well-to-do country woman, thethird, a lady from an official family and the fourth, an ex-schoolgirl.It helped the faith of all to hear and see what our Saviour had donefor these women."Opportunities for preaching the gospel were nevergreater, and whilst indifference and even opposition werenot infrequently encountered, the response to the divine

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