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146 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESCountryGreat Britain, ........North AmericaRe-admitted to membership in North AmericaAustralasiaAccepted in China ....Ee-adinitted to membership in China ......Asfioc late Miss ioi isNorwegian Mission inChinaScandinavian AllianceMission ......Swedish Mission inChinaSwedish AlliaiieeMissionFinnish Free Church . .Accepted in China ...."Readmitted in China .Eight members and two associates were removed bydeath, whilst twenty-one members and three associatesretired from failure of health, marriage, family claims andother causes. Notwithstanding this fact, the forces on thefield at the end of the year were greater and the stationsoccupied more numerous than at any previous time in thehistory of the Mission, the reinforcements received bringingthe total number of workers in connection with the Missionup to 1,077, of whom 288 were associates. These figureswere made up as follows :Men Women Wives Widows TotalMembersAssociatesTotal 393 312 1,077

OTHER MISSIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS 147AssociatesMen Women Wives Widows TotalSwedish Mission in China 18 17 ] 7 1 53Swedish Holiness Union.. 17 7 6 1 31Scandinavian AllianceI, rMission - ...on L ID OOcoSwedish Alliance Mission 6 5 2 2 15Norwegian Mission ins-t-,ChinaOrO o J-ONorwegian Alliance Mission9 2 4German China Alliance 16 6 13 35Finnish Free Church . . 7 7Liebenzell Mission 23 20 18 61German Women s Mis-^ 4sionary UnionFriedenshort Deaconess *1Mission.Independent 1 1108 96 77 7_288__ T During the year the cities of Szenan andNew stations m ,.,? /I fTatingfu, in the province of ^^ . Kweichow,^Kinghsien in Anhwei, and Shohchow, Hinghsieo andLanhsien in Shansi, were opened as central stations, whilsteight former stations, which had been temporarily vacatedowing to lack of foreign workers, were re-occupied, thusraising the total number of main centres with residentmissionaries to 223, of which 71 were occupied by associateworkers. The out-stations were increased from 1,082 to1,179.The financial stringency in the homelands,Income**affecting as is must have done the givingpowers of many donors, did riot lessen theamount contributed to the funds of the Mission; on thecontrary, in Great Britain, North America and Australasiathere was a gratifying increase of income, amounting inthe aggregate to 6,178 over the receipts for the precedingyear, whilst the incomes of the Associate Missions collectivelyshowed only a trifling decrease of 43. Moreover, the

146 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESCountryGreat Britain, ........North AmericaRe-admitted to membership in North AmericaAustralasiaAccepted in China ....Ee-adinitted to membership in China ......Asfioc late Miss ioi isNorwegian Mission inChinaScandinavian AllianceMission ......Swedish Mission inChinaSwedish AlliaiieeMissionFinnish Free Church . .Accepted in China ...."Readmitted in China .Eight members and two associates were removed bydeath, whilst twenty-one members and three associatesretired from failure of health, marriage, family claims andother causes. Notwithstanding this fact, the forces on thefield at the end of the year were greater and the stationsoccupied more numerous than at any previous time in thehistory of the Mission, the reinforcements received bringingthe total number of workers in connection with the Missionup to 1,077, of whom 288 were associates. These figureswere made up as follows :Men Women Wives Widows TotalMembersAssociatesTotal 393 312 1,077

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