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"""""136 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESopportunity and strong desire for deeper spiritual lifeand better knowledge of the Word.", ., New problems mentioned are Sabbath-Soir^; of the ,Problemsobservance, polygamy, a tendency on the partof Chinese preachers to tolerate unworthychurch-members who have money; an expanding work withreduced appropriations, mentioned in various forms, onebeing how to make bricks without straw; and thedifficulty of the older helper being unable often to meetthe new conditions; the difficulty in some places of purchasing land; the attitude of the soldiers in other places creatingprejudice against the foreigners and the; problem of"knowing how to make the higher classes feel at home inour congregations, which are made up largely of the lowerclasses." One man reports"no new problems but plentyof old ones."Of new lines of work many mention new ventures inself-support. Rev. W. II. Stuart reports $.1,000 given byan alumnus to Hangchow College. Rev. H. W. Whitereports as a new thing, the reality of the demon possessionand healing by prayer now fully recognized."The Outlook Regarding the outlook the tone is decidedlyhopeful. Dr. Blain says, Most of ourworkers seem to be working harder and showing moreearnestness than before, so I am hopeful."Dr. Hudsonsays, The political situation has affected business, society,schools, etc., also makes people hesitate to join the church,or move forward in anything, a sort of depression, but theyare finite willing to hear the gospel when preached intelligently." Mr. McGinnis says,"The outlook is good, butprincipally by faith." Mr. Moffett says,"The doors arewider open, especially among the better class of people."Mr. Little says, Something of a reaction has taken placebut we think it is only temporary." Mr. Paxtoii says."The church will probably not increase as rapidly as before,but the growth is bound to be more healthy. Mr. Crenshawsays, door "A is open but there are many adversaries."Mr. Hancock says,"The outlook is very bright but the lackof competent native workers makes it impossible to overtakeopportunity." Dr. H. M. Woods says, "Compared with

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